Chapter 32

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Nicola's POV

Gabriel has been quiet, and he looked like something was bothering him.

We were on our way back from Mason's home. We have been driving for quite some time, and no one had said a word.

I turned back to see the girls almost dozing off in their car seats. Emma was quietly sitting, looking outside through the window.

I turned back to look at Gabriel and saw his tense shoulders. His jaw kept working, and he kept twisting his hand around the steering wheel. Something was definitely wrong.

Feeling my eyes on him, he turned to look at me. His eyes softened as I looked at him questioningly. What's wrong? I mouthed, looking at him with concern. But he just shook his head, giving me a small smile and turned to look ahead.

As he turned, his smile slipped from his face and was replaced by a frown. I sighed, turning to look out the window.

I know he would never confide in me. We have let go of our bitterness, but there is a wide gap between us, which seemed like neither of us was too eager to let go of.

I can't let go because it's my only defense. I know if I get close to him, I would fall for him all over again. And I can not knowingly fall for a man who would never look at me in that way.

It's best to let him deal with whatever is bothering him on his own. After all, if I want to keep my distance from him, it's best not to pry into his business.


Gabriel's POV

I watched from the corner of my eye as Nicola stared out of the car window. It was getting dark outside, and everyone was tired.

But Nicola had been more focused on me. She had been worried about me. I felt touched that she would finally show concern towards me. I guess it is a sign that she still cared even though she still kept her distance from me.

But right now she was disappointed that I wouldn't share my problems with her. She had looked hurt, but how could I tell her that my problem was her.

I can't stop thinking about her. And I have this constant need to always be with her. To touch her, to feel her. She would run away again if she found out that this was going on in my head.

Seriously, what's wrong with me. This is Nicola, for god's sake. I am acting like a love sick puppy here, and for her of all the people!

It's not even been a year since Sarah was gone. I am not ready to forget about Sarah. I still miss her so much. Why the hell am I having these feelings towards another woman when my heart is not prepared to move on. And that also towards her sister! Have I gone mad?? If Nicola found out, she would probably hate me.

I slammed on the brakes a little too hard in my frustration as we reached the B and B. Luckily, the girls were strapped tight, and they didn't feel the impact.

Nicola got thrown off a little, but she was wearing her seat belt, so she didn't get hit. I felt Emma grabbing my seat to lessen her blow.

Nicola turned to me, her eyes wide in shock. I muttered a sorry, removed my seat belt, and got off the car, leaving them to bring in the girls. I almost hit someone with the car door in my hurry, but I just ignored that person and walked away cursing to myself.


Nicola's POV

I quietly stepped out of the girls' bedroom after they fell asleep. I had already showered and changed into a pair of drawstring denim shorts and a thin white shirt. I showered while the girls had been having their dinner.

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