misunderstood, quest

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Chapter 4: misunderstood quest

"I now pronounce you husband and wife"

The judge said clapping

Mr Armani leaned in and kissed my mom

Once they pulled away they waved to the attendants and thanked everyone around them

My mom turned around to me and gave me a warm motherly hug I used to melt into

She let go and rubbed her thumb on my cheek as her eyes glowed with warmth

My demeanor remained unchanged as I nodded at her with emotionless eyes

She understood and started to thank people I have no doubt she didnt know

I stood there in the corner as my eyes wandered around the whole hall

And of course many mafia bosses where here with their wives and children

And obviously they all had huge businesses to cover their tracks away

Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder and immediately stepped back

I looked up and was met with Mr Armani's  confused and stern face

I cleared my throat before speaking "Hello is there anything you need" I asked bluntly

He stood upright and looked at me for a second as if looking into my eyes like he could read me like a book

Of course I made my gaze colder and he stopped and started talking

"Obviously I um never got to meet you before because of uncanny circumstances but I would like it if we could get to know each other" he said standing there expecting my answer

I felt some sense of familiarity with him for some reason

He had steel grey eyes mixed with a hint of blue making them like a mirror of the ocean on a stormy day. He had sandy blonde hair with a mature face he towered over me at 6'4 at least. His body looked buff and I could tell he worked out. Cause he definitely wasnt out of shape. A beard ran along his face or more so a stubble making his jaw straight and causing him to look that much more of a "dont mess with me" look.

I stood there in thought before I raised my head to look at him again

"Look Mr Armani. I respect you for loving my mother and showing her something shes longed for after my late father passed. But let's get this straight. I dont want you or need you to be involved in my life. I had a father and he was perfectly fine" I said with venom in my mouth as I lied through my teeth

He stood there but his eyes got colder. He leaned into my ear and whispered " father? You mean the man who would beat you and your mother every single day? What a lousy father" He said with a slight edge of annoyance in his voice

I pushed him back roughly

"You have no right to speak about him that way! You.will.never.be.apart.of.my.life!"

With that I have gathered the attention of some of the guests

I looked around and saw that my mother was far into the corner talking to some ladies

"I am only here for my mom and if you treat her poorly so help me god I will end you and your entire bloodline. Yes that is a threat dont take it lightly" with that I walked off the platform and out the doors where I saw my motorbike parked

Thank you ryan. I mentally sighed
Before I left I had told him to place my motorbike outside the building if I ever need to leave at any moment

And I was right because mr Armani is a big asshole!

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