Chapter 10(The End)

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Abhi's legs take him to the one place where he's spent the most time- the park. What he doesn't notice, is the presence of another person in the park, until he gets close enough.

Abhi looks up and his eyes widen when he sees Aaru sitting on the swing.

"U-um, hi. I didn't notice you. I could leave...", Abhi offers.

"No, no It's okay. You can sit.", Aaru says gesturing to the swing next to her.

Abhi nods before sitting next to her.

"Can we talk?", both of them ask at the same time, making them laugh.

"You go first", Abhi says laughing.

"No, it's ok. You go ahead.", Aaru says.

Abhi nods, before letting out a slow breath.

"I always thought I kept you happy. I prided myself on the fact that I could read you like an open book. Even though I didn't realize your love for me, You smiled and laughed when you were with me and I loved that. But I never knew, you always went back home and cried. Cried for me and my stupidity. You were happy being just my best friend and always hid your feelings. I finally realized that you were the one for me. Always were and always will be. But now that you're moving on, I should be happy for you. I am. Some parts of me are so happy, you're smiling now, even if I'm not the reason for it. That doesn't mean I'm not selfish though, there was a part of me that wishes you didn't get on so well with Soham. Didn't laugh and blush at all his jokes. But these are just my problems, I honestly hoped you had a great time today. Something I couldn't give you.", Abhi laughs self-deprecatingly.

Abhi looks at Aaru to see tears in her eyes. She gets up before slowly walking to him and standing in front of him.

Abhi stands up shocked, his hand cupping his cheek after Aaru slaps him.

"You told me so much, but did you ever bother to tell me one sorry? Huh? I didn't cry for you not realizing I loved you. I cried because every time you got interested in a girl, you would forget about me. Cancel plans with me. Leave me alone, god knows how many times. And that hurt more than anything.", Aaru says, as she finally lets her tears fall.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry and I guess I was always in love with you, but never accepted. And now that I do accept, you don't love me. I'm sorry. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for cancelling plans.", Abhi says as he closes his eyes in pain.

Aaru says nothing as tears continue to slide down her face.

"Maybe you shouldn't have met me at all. Wouldn't it all have been better?", Abhi asks, hoping to god she says no.

"Yes, I did wish that.", Aaru says looking away from him.

Abhi nods wiping the few tears that had escaped, before getting up to head home.

"But I also know that I couldn't have been who I am right now without you in my life. I don't think, I know I couldn't have met anyone else who encourages me and supports me so much in everything I do. And I love you for that.", Aaru says, making Abhi pause and turn back.

"Love as in?", Abhi asks suddenly confused.

"Love as in between friends.", Aaru says sarcastically.

Abhi makes an 'oh' face.

"Love as in how I loved you for years, duffer", Aaru scolds him rolling her eyes.

"Oh", Abhi says finally understanding, "Wait what? You l-love m-me?"

"I do. I used to love a fucking idiot who never realized how I felt and apparently, I still do love him. The idiot I mean.", Aaru says crossing her arms and looking away.

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