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All Flor wanted to do was find her friend, Autumn.

Since Cabin three was empty, she decided to check the Hermes cabin, where Autumn's boyfriend resided. She was shocked to find Chiron in all of his horse glory, standing on the porch of the cabin.

"-you take Percy from here?" as she approached, she heard the last bit of his sentence to Annabeth Chase, who was sitting on the steps, reading.

"Yes, sir."

"Cabin eleven," Chiron told me, gesturing toward the doorway, and Flor was able to see the strange looking boy he was talking to, "make yourself at home."

It wasn't until he turned around when he saw Flor.

"Flor, would you mind helping Annabeth show Percy around the camp?"

"Wha- but I'm supposed to be in your archery class soon," the young girl reminded him. Chiron stayed silent, but gave her a look that made her sigh, "fine."

She walked over to where Annabeth was, and she was finally able to get a good look at the boy.

"Wait, you're that kid who killed the Minotaur," Flor's eyes widened as they landed on the single horn he clutched in nis right hand. The boy nodded but didn't say anything.

Chiron opened the door, and the two girls walked in. The centaur and the boy stayed outside. When the campers inside the cabin saw Chiron, they all stood and bowed respectfully.

"Well, then," Chiron said, "good luck, Percy. I'll see you at dinner."

And with that, he galloped away toward the archery range. The boy he called Percy, however, just stood in the doorway, watching everyone inside. In return, everyone just stared back at him.

"Well?" Annabeth asked, "Go on."

"They won't hurt you," Flor said, then she smiled and added, "yet."

Percy seemed to snap out of his trance, and walked through the door. Somehow, he tripped coming in, and all that could be heard were a few snickers.

Flor looked over and saw Annabeth, who looked irritated as she announced, "Percy Jackson, meet cabin eleven."

"Regular or undetermined?" someone in the back asked.

"Undetermined," Annabeth replied, making everyone groan.

Luke Castellan, the boyfriend of Autumn, came forward, "no, campers. That's what we're here for. Welcome, Percy. You can have that spot on the floor, right over there."

"This is Luke," Annabeth said, and Flor made a face when she looked over and saw the dreamy look on the dark-skinned girl's face. Annabeth glanced at Percy, and her expression hardened again, "he's your counselor for now."

"For now?" he asked.

"You're undetermined," Luke explained patiently, "they don't know what cabin to put you in, so you're here. Cabin eleven takes all newcomers, all visitors. Naturally, we would. Hermes, our patron, is the god of travelers."

Percy looked at his floor area, then up at his new cabin-mates.

"How long will I be here?" he asked, earning a smile from Flor.

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