If I Could Go Anywhere

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Chapter 10

Jasper P.O.V

I stared in disbelief and felt the color drain from my face. Why is he here? This is just going to make mine and Rosalie's lives worse,

"Jasper, Rosalie how are you both?" He smiled brightly. I dared a quick glance at Rosalie, she was clearly horror struck,

"Daniel." I growled under my breath. This man is one of the worst people I have ever met in my life. Matthew and Daniel were obviously such good friends because they both shared a great passion, a hobby of sorts. Torturing Rosalie and I. From the age of 9, when mum died, I can't remember a day where they didn't hurt us. I looked at the man whom I loathed openly, he once jet black hair was now speckled with grey, his hazel eyes looked tired and old. He was painfully thin, but I wasn't concerned about that,

"Well are either of you going to greet you're uncle Daniel properly?" Matthew sneered. I looked a Rosalie again, horror etched all over her face. Suddenly she smiled brightly and walked away from Emmett and towards Matthew,

"Rosalie?" Emmet asked concerned, but she didn't look back. She hugged Daniel awkwardly, I realised she was just doing this to please him and to avoid a beating. I looked at Emmett and stared right into his gray eyes, willing him wordlessly to get Rose out. He understood instantly and stepped forward, interrupting the conversation Daniel was leading with Rosalie,

"Hey Rose, we better get going. My mum and dad will be wondering why we are so late." Emmet said in a convincingly light voice,

"Oh, yes of course." Rosalie agreed,

"Where are you going Rosalie?" Matthew asked angrily,

"I am staying over at Emmett's house tonight. His family are having a family movie night tonight, Jasper is going too." Rosalie said, her voice sounding stronger with every word,

"Oh, well I don't think you two will be able to attend tonight," Matthew said, turning to Emmett, "I wouldn't want to burden you're parents. Thank you for inviting Jasper and Rosalie though." Matthew smirked,

"Oh it is no problem at all Mr Hale, my mother Esme is very excited about having to more children to feed. She does love cooking," Emmet smiled widely, "And my sister, Alice, is looking forward to spending some more time with Jasper." I froze. He mentioned Alice! Now Matthew would use her as a target, this was not good, not good at all. I couldn't even backtrack because the words were said, Matthew knew and he wouldn't forget,

"Very well then," Matthew said in a sharp tone, "Please, call if there is any problems." I could tell that he was very angry, and looking at Daniel he was too. I followed Rosalie and Emmett upstairs to get our things. We all went to Rosalie's room and shut the door,

"Was I convincing?" Emmett asked me,

"Um, yeh your were Em." I bit my lip. I couldn't think straight, worrying about Alice's well being now,

"You shouldn't have mentioned Alice," Rosalie said quietly to Emmett,

"Why not?" I could tell he really didn't understand,

"Well now he knows about her. He will definitely use her against Jasper. It isn't good." I couldn't thank Rosalie more for telling him, he needed to understand the risk Alice was now in,

"I will have to keep a close eye on her now," he bit his lip, "But at least you two can get out of here for a while. Pack enough clothes for a few days, Esme won't mind at all." I was about to argue but I was too tired to do so. I helped Rose pack and then went and collected my things too. Heading down the stairs, Matthew and Daniel were gone but I could hear them arguing loudly in the kitchen, not wanting to get involved I led the way to the door. This was going to be a long few days.

A/N: Hey guys. I would like to start off by apologising for not updating in ages! I just never find the time these days. I know this chapter is much much shorted than my others ones but I felt terrible for not updating and leaving the story on such a horrible cliffhanger. Please forgive me! I will try my hardest to update more now. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Juniper lots! Without you, I would never have been able to continue this story and Daniel would most certainly not exsist without you're help! Please review! I love to hear everyones thoughts and ideas and I do try to reply to all questions asked! I intend on making my next few chapters much lighter with the absense of Matthew and Daniel. I hope to have more Alice and Jasper fluff going on although I am leading up to the big climax! Thank you my dearest readers for staying loyal to me!


P.S sorry guys I just realised I uploaded the wrong chapter. That was a draft of it this is properly spell checked :P

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