Chapter 4: Just as fun as a jammed up gun

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Classes started today and you were less than thrilled. But you got your ass up and drug yourself to class. Your photography class was first and that made you a little happy.

Photography has always been a passion of yours for as long as you remember. Your mom would get you Kodak disposable cameras every month.

You have a box of the pictures somewhere but are too lazy to find them. When you got back from class you set your bag down and began to do your homework. Of course college professors will assign homework on the first day of school.

Go figure.

Your phone rang when you were halfway through a math problem and you groaned, before seeing it was Natasha.

Smiling a bit, you answered it. "Hi." You said.

"Hey baby. Was wondering if you'd like to come to a party with me tonight." She husked.

"Nat! It's a school night!" You chuckled.

You could practically see her shrug, "So? We won't stay out too late. Please?"

"Fine. But wait. Yelena might be there or one of my other friends. I can't be seen with you."

That part of your sentence broke her heart but she shrugged it off. "Babe, I promise you there will be no one you know there. It's for athletes only and the only reason I'm taking you is so I can have a plus one."

You then said it was okay and you got up to look in the small closet. On one side it was Yelena's clothes and on the other side it was yours. You picked out a red dress and put it on, before doing your hair and makeup.

Yelena walked in from working out at the gym with Bucky-she's been spending a lot of time with him recently- "Whoa, where are you going out?" She asked as she sat down on her bed, wiping some sweat from her forehead.

"I'm going to a bar. Maybe find someone." You said simply.

"As long as you don't bring them here and as long as it's not my sister." She stated before telling you that you looked beautiful.

You thanked her and then walked out into the dark meeting Natasha behind the building. She was leaning against a Harley.

"Nuh ah. No way I'm riding that." You said pointing to the motorbike. She waved you off, "Relax. I've been riding since I was twelve."

"If you say so." You said before wrapping your arms around her waist and kissing her. She gave you a helmet and you got on behind her, hugging her torso tightly.

As she sped off, you watched the street lights as you flew past them. It felt freeing.

Once at the party, you got drinks and followed Natasha around like a lost puppy as she mingled with other people, mainly men. She's a pretty masculine woman so it makes sense why she'd hang out with guys.

There were a couple other girls there too. Wearing skimpy outfits while they chatted up the athletes. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you continued to look around.

People laughing loudly, drinking, smoking, dancing, making out and some having sex right in the middle of the room!

Your face flushed as you turned to see that your soccer player was nowhere in sight. You walked around and squeezed through the crowd before bumping into someone. You looked up to see a tall brunette man with blue eyes and muscles for days.

"Hi." You said nervously. The man gave you a kind smile, "Hi, doll. I'm Bucky. What's yours?"

"Y/n. Wait- you're the Bucky Yelena has been taking about and hanging around all the time with!"

"She talks about me?" He questioned. You could see the hope in his eyes. You nodded, "All the damn time. It's quite annoying if you ask me."

"No mean to sound rude but, why are you here? You don't play a sport, do you?"

"No. I'm here because Natasha invited me."

"Natasha Romanoff? Lena's sister?"

You confirmed with a nod. "Wow, didn't think she was dating anyone she's a player at heart. Only does one night stands or short flings."

"Well, I don't know if we're dating yet." You nervously fiddled with your fingers.

"How come?"

"We've slept together and sent flirty messages but...I know she's noncommittal. It's hard. I'm starting to have feelings for her." Why are you dumping all this on a man you just met a minute ago?

"Well," Bucky said, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "I know Nat pretty well. We went to high school together. She wasn't always like this. She was bullied a lot when people found out she was intersex. She wanted to get surgery to remove it but then she got a girlfriend who absolutely loved it. And she realized a lot of other chicks dig it too. She became appealing for that reason. So, she just started sleeping around and never committing. She cheated on her first girlfriend who was absolutely heartbroken and almost died from overdose because of it. So, she swore to never let anyone got through that again."

You took in all the information that Bucky just gave you, "Wow. Okay, thank you so much Bucky! Im gonna go find Natasha now. Bye!" And you ran off.

"Natasha?" You called out in a quieter part in the house. You heard moans and groans coming from the office. You looked to see Natasha getting sucked off by another girl.

You couldn't help the tears that came out. The redhead saw and immediately pulled her pants up, running towards you. "Baby, Y/n, please! It's not what it looks like!"

"Are you sure it's not what it looks like? You know I don't even have a right to get mad we aren't together. Im not yours. Fuck half of the school? I don't care." You spat before running away crying. You grabbed your jacket from the coat hanger by the door and ran all the way back to your dorm. Luckily Yelena was passed out on her bed, so you got under the covers and cried softly.

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