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pennylupinblack posted

pennylupinblack posted

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liked by bzabini, witchweekly, plovegood, and others

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liked by bzabini, witchweekly, plovegood, and others

pennylupinblack another year around the sun with my crew. i love you forever

user what. the. actual. fuck

h.granger five years with our boy
pennylupinblack i'm already sad don't say that

user1 you can not tell me that is not theo's baby
user2 he's literally five too

dmalfoy i got him that sweatshirt 😎
pennylupinblack you are such an old man sometimes
dmalfoy i'm not the one with a five year old

potterharry happy birthday crew

remuslupinblack my baby's baby is growing
pennylupinblack no he's going to be little forever and i'll be fine

user713 this was actually on my bingo card for this year
pennylupinblack that i'd post my five year old?
user713 that you would have a kid but this still counts
pennylupinblack that's fair

sirius how you managed to produce such a cute child, i'll never know
user3 it's got to be those nott genes

user4 i request more crew/mom pen content
pennylupinblack on it🫡

user5 i'd bet all of my money that that child is tnott's

user6 that explains the c tattoo
pennylupinblack oui!

parkinson still mad i'm not his godmother
h.granger couldn't be me

witchweekly a little bit upset we didn't hear about this first, but happy birthday crew

king of my heart, theodore nott¹Where stories live. Discover now