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It was the next day and you were stood in front of a board, the map of the island that the auction would take place was pinned to it using your dagger.

Deathcutter was stood near the board with his back arched so that he could see the board, you held a pencil that would draw out places of interest.

"Okay! We've got four groups at the auction from what I know, groups that can actually do stuff. It's me and you, Viggo and Ryker, his hunters and the other dragon riders. Our goal is to free the dragons as soon as possible and get the hunters down. We'll take care of Viggo and Ryker later on in the battle." You stated

Deathcutter roared in agreement before sitting down on both his legs to make himself comfortable, he would be there for a while watching you explain the plan that you were creating as you went on with it.

"We don't know much about the dragon riders although I assume they're good since the hunters were complaining about them messing things up, we're basically a form of bodyguard for them once we step onto that land. They'll probably be freeing dragons so we can take out the hunters trying to get to them, we're the weapon they don't know they have. You're a big dragon and we'll use that to our advantage since you're heavily armoured. Dragon root arrows practically have no effect on you. Or any arrow for that matter." You stated

Your dragon roared in agreement before turning away to take a fish from the pile he brought over for himself.

After grabbing the pencil you began to draw out four circles to indicate where Vikings of interest would be, Viggo and Ryker would be at the auction, the hunters would be near the cages, you and Deathcutter would be in the outskirts to the islands or in the forests while the dragon riders are flying above the sea.

"There! We need to make sure that we're prepared so I'll be putting on the armour for the battle, exciting isn't it?" You grinned

The dragon roared happily and looked over at the white suit that was made of scales, leather and bones.

You hadn't worn it in a while since you haven't battled in a while, you were happy that smaller dragons didn't decide to steal it or something.

A cavern crasher came in and took a couple pieces of mutton thinking they were eggs  a few days ago, it didn't take that which you were quite happy about.

"The worse that could happen is we get captured by either the hunters or the riders, dying isn't much of a possibility for the both of us when it comes to that fight. And... they don't seem to have very good aim from what I saw at the market. Although if you want some sort of heads up, I'd be overjoyed if you blocked arrows from going into me-" you said

Deathcutter roared in annoyance before rolling his eyes and setting his head on the ground, you pat a horn of hit and began to haul your armour to the table that was set near the board.

"Oh fine, I'll block arrows for you. Back on topic! We can't have the dragon riders knowing our whereabouts and that we live here, as soon as the battle is over we're out of there without engaging in any conversation. That fine with you?" You asked

He looked up lazily and nodded before looking back down at the grass that most likely intrigued him because of the animals inside of it.

"This mission is a big risk because Viggo and Ryker might take interest in us and... The dragon riders might take interest in us too. But there's nothing we can't handle, right? Me and you, always!" You smiled

Deathcutter raised his head and got up before lowering himself to nuzzle you and roar affectionately, you scratched both lower sides of his head and pat the space in between his eyes and mouth.

"Go get yourself some food, I'll set up some things I'll need tomorrow." You stated

Deathcutter roared and began to run off towards the basket of fish you left out elsewhere, you grabbed the pieces to your armour and took a look at the actual skull that you used for it.

Still in perfect condition, good.

Putting the armour back on would mean war to you, if a battle is that important for you to need the armour than its definitely going to be a long battle.

After setting all pieces to the armour on the table you used both hands to push the dagger off of the board and you rolled up the map, once you set the dagger and the map down on the table you grabbed a berry and began to eat it slowly as you heard Deathcutter roaring.

You looked up and saw the light that was getting in from little cracks in the cave roof begin to dim which meant the sun was going down, not that you were complaining since you had been dying to go to sleep and jump right into battle tomorrow.

The auction would be taking place at night which meant you had all the time in the world, although you'd prefer having more time to mentally prepare yourself instead of physically for the battle you'd have.

Seeing Berkian's and other Vikings in general that were on your side would be amazing, you couldn't wait to see who was there.

You remembered most Berkian children since you mainly took care of them during raids, such as Ingerman kids, Jorgenson kids, Hofferson kids, Thorston kids of course and even that Hiccup Haddock kid from the Haddock Clan.

Everyone was hard to forget no matter how hard you tried, everyone from Berk was glued to your memory although you stopped thinking about their life and how it might've changed after you had been taken by Deathcutter.

You just... stopped caring about it.

No reason to take pity on someone who wouldn't take pity on you, you'd start caring when Berk did enough to send out boats looking for you.

Y/n Thorston (How To Train Your Dragon)Where stories live. Discover now