Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Charlotte was observing their interaction with a raised eyebrow. The girl that opened the door, had this look on her face, that made her squint her eyes closer. She decided to ask about it when they were alone.

Freen got her jacket, before walking out of her room. The door slammed shut with a loud bang, making Charlotte flinch.

'Don't mind her, she's always angry for some reason.' Freen flipped a quick finger at the door. Charlotte started walking down the hallway.

'Your new roommate seems nice.' She said sarcastically. It made Freen scoff at her comment.

'She is something else, that's for sure. I don't know about nice though.' Freen opened the door for her date so that they could leave the building to go to the coffee shop.

'She also still owns me a coffee, but something tells me that I'll never see that coffee.' Teasing her roommate with the coffee was becoming one of her favourite activities. Seeing how annoyed she could get the girl, gave her so much satisfaction.

'Enough about your roommate, how are you doing?' The slender girl was tired of seeing this playful expression on Freen's face when talking about her roommate. A jealous feeling was creeping up in her stomach.

'I'm doing great, except for my roommate's annoying ass, everything is fine. Classes are right around the corner, makes me a little nervous.' Freen said. They were about to enter the shop.

'Right, me too. I'm a little scared for international politics this semester. Apparently it's one of the most difficult subjects.' Charlotte had this troubled expression on her face.

The girl was in her second year of studying law. Just like her father, she wanted to become a supreme judge in the courtroom.

They entered the shop and ordered their drinks. It wasn't summer yet, but the air was already feeling quit hot, making the ice coffee extra delicious.

Meanwhile Becky's order finally arrived at the dorm. She went down to get it, because the delivery guy got lost on the large campus.

She was walking up to the guy on his scooter when she spotted Freen and her date. Seeing how the girl in front of Freen was throwing her head back of laughter, made her roll her eyes.

'Euh ma'am, can you hand me the money?' Her thoughts were cut off by his voice. She quickly handed over the money and walked back upstairs, but not before taking another peak at the couple.

Why? Becky didn't know why she was watching them. Curiosity about her roommate maybe? Or was it because she wondered how a beautiful girl like her could stand someone as annoying as Freen.

A deep sigh escaped her lips before she left the scene with her pizza box in hand. At least she had a delicious pizza and a whole room for herself without the irritating girl.

But being alone right now, eating her pizza with no one to share with, made her feel lonely suddenly. She missed home, she missed her parents, Richie and Bonbon...

Living on her own definitely had it's advantages and disadvantages. She figured that calling her family right now would make it even more difficult for her. She would call them later, when she didn't feel like this anymore. Crying on the phone was not something she wanted her parents to hear.

'Let's put on some music.' Twice and Blackpink songs filled up the silence in the room, immediately lifting up her mood. Becky got up from her chair and got some more decorations done on her side of the room to make it a bit more home.

A line a pictures formed on her wall with some beautiful memories on them with her family and friends. She smiled softly at her wall, feeling like her close ones were smiling back at her.

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