October Second

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Lake High School felt and looked more like a prison than a school it was a square with a tail on the end. The main academic building has three floors, The first floor had the Social Sciences, History, Language arts, and Sociology classes. On the second floor sat the Study hall classes or the occasional math class but all of the math and science classes were placed on the third floor.

At the center of the main academic building sits the courtyard, that splits into three sections with the entrance to the tail as the students called it, but it was the Arts wing, It hosted the Band, Orchestra, Theater and Art classes. In front of the door was the picnic area, where both Jayden and Elizabeth where watching when Grayson sprinted across the yard to meet them at one of the many cement picnic tables. The early morning sun was baking the earth below it causing the temperature to rise from 70  to 90 degrees in a span of a few hours.

The lack of rain that Lake in the Hills was classified as a drought early that morning by the
National Weather Service. The area experienced strong storms come through during the night and the brake in the rain was the last thing Grayson wanted to see.

The other thing Grayson wanted to do was to take out his tablet and kill two birds with one stone. The first thing on the list was to take notes for his Meteorology class, the second was to have a current event for history since it was a Friday. It meant that each of the students had to turn in a news article about a different event that was going on. It could be local, state, national or international.

Mr. Trent would call on three random students, if they didn't have a current event to talk about the entire class had to write a one thousand word paper that would be due by midnight on a random topic chosen out of the text book.

As the group sat outside, they felt the wind slowly pick up, Grayson and Jayden looked up to see the dark thunderheads crawl across the sky.

" It looks like practice will be canceled," Grason  said.

"Really?" State is next week," Liz said, buried in her planner.

" System is ripe for tornadoes," Grayson said. It's mid spring, the weather become unstable and unpredictable it would be abnormal if the small town didn't have multiple days of watches and warnings.

"Right now, it's all watches," Grason said.

Liz looked up "We could have indoor practice."

"True." Jayden said.

A siren rang across the court yard  it was the Lightning Gard. and the trio phones, tablets and any other electronic device lit up like  a Christmas tree, staff and teachers had come outside calling for the students to come back into the building. Elizabeth, Jayden and Grason packed up their stuff and made their way into the cafeteria.

Elizabeth was about to say something to Grayson but Jayden shook his head, pointed at Grayson.

Liz giggled "You know we love him." She whispered.

"We all have that thing, that we love that we can't explain to others." Jayden whispered back. "I'll see you later pumpkin,"

"See you." Liz smiled.

History was the last class of the day for both Elizabeth and Grayson. He was a few steps ahead of her. She had her head buried in her phone, reading an email sent from her track coach.


Heads up practice will be moved indoors today, but there are discussions of  canceling practice for today due to the weather, please keep an eye on your email and on the group chat. If I receive any more information I'll send it your way.

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