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Being so young and already having claimed his title, it was no surprise that people followed him wherever he went. Whenever he was with people, he always had a smile that I felt never seemed to reach his eyes. With a title came power, and at the top of the hierarchy straight below the royal family were dukes. He was on the same footing as Kael. At least, in title.
Seeing him now, it was a rare moment where he was on his own, and without people around, his face was neutral. I had been allowed to skip my class today on account of handing in my work early. Whereas, for Typhon, there were a few classes where it appeared he was permitted to not attend. Apparently his skills meant that most classes were optional to him. In addition, there was no doubt that his duties as duke took priority over the academy.
I was about to return to my book when his gaze locked onto mine. My body froze up when I made contact with his dark, obsidian eyes.
Without hesitation, that same pleasant smile—that didn't reach his eyes—appeared. Despite the complete lack of emotion behind his smile, his strong jawline and tanned skin from spending hours in the sun, made his smile more threatening with his good looks. His ominous height also caught me unawares, as I had never truly grasped it from a distance. As he came closer, I became more aware of his towering presence. Although I myself was now taller than the average man (thanks to the demon blood within me) the duke's height felt as if he could crush me without much effort.
It made me feel weak and I didn't like it. Yet, he walked past me as if I were no more than an extra.
My heart rate slowed down as I forced myself to keep walking. I had been here for a year and the most I had seen of him was his figure in the distance. This was the first time I had been close enough to see his dark eyes.
Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice me at all. Apparently I wasn't worth more than a glance. Hopefully this meant all my attempts to remain unnoticed had so far been working to my advantage.
With a sigh of relief, I kept walking.
For a moment, I only heard my footsteps, as if he had stopped walking momentarily—perhaps to look back—but I refused to stop and turn. Doing so, I would be ruining my exit plan. I wouldn't do anything to put me on his radar.
For some reason, I knew he was familiar but I couldn't place it. Surely someone as memorable as the duke would have appeared in the novel. My complete lack of recall made me think otherwise. Still, I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that I was missing something.
The tall vaulted stone ceilings echoed our footsteps as we continued to walk away, all the while praying I would never see him again.
I felt that crossing paths with him would cause more headaches than I cared to endure.
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I cursed my rotten luck. "Seriously, I thought I only had to avoid Aster. Now I have the first Prince and the duke to worry about."
In the gardens, I took the time to sit by the fountain and thank whatever gods had allowed me to make it this far. It was hard to imagine I was now at a point where I no longer had to fear running into Kael and being killed on the spot. The brothers were at another academy and I was now free to train as if my life depended on it.
Which it did.
Unfortunately, there was no training that could prepare me for a ball.
Isa seemed excited to attend, and I hated to dampen her moods. Perhaps if balls weren't tinged with the fear that I would make a wrong move and be executed for it, then maybe I would also be looking forward to it.
But I had seen too many instances over the years how fate had other plans. The will of the book was strong and everything appeared subject to unforeseen powers which worked for the storyline. A storyline where I was meant to die.
I had three years left.
I was no fool. If I could play fate right, I would be able to leave for war before the event that would end my life. I would be so far removed from everything that I would even be able to move far away after the war and never return. If the storyline had such a strong will, I would remove myself from the situation completely.
Who was to say that just because I had avoided it once, that fate wouldn't try to end me again? I had seen it before, and I didn't want to be around to find out. If I moved away, further enough removed from this place, perhaps I could finally live a peaceful life.
A life where I wasn't having to calculate every move I made.
It seemed too good to be true.
With the sound of flowing water and the sun rays warming my skin, I took in a deep breath. In rare moments such as these, I was always took the time to pause and reorient myself. It wasn't as common to see the cute glowing creatures here nor the exotic flowers. As this academy wasn't focused on magic, its gardens reflected as much. Still, it was more gorgeous than my memories on earth. Pausing and resting always helped me to recharge and regain my bearings. It was too easy to be hooked on my impending doom so much so that I failed to take notice of anything else. Thankfully, the rest of the day was spent without any unwelcome encounters.
With the ball only weeks away, I had managed to spend my nights practicing dances moves that had gone rusty from lack of use. Isa and I had decided to escort each other to the dance, and although Isa had been asked, she refused to spend the night with "someone she couldn't care less about". I think her dream didn't involve marriage of any kind, but rather becoming one of the best knights of the empire. In order to reach this goal, she wouldn't have any 'distractions'.
Thinking back, it had once been a dream of mine to dance in an elegant ballroom surrounded by people dressed up from head to toe in jewels and expensive fabrics.
I had once dreamt that I would dance, drink and fall in love while whisking the night away.
A memory flashed into my mind. A memory of a cold winter and music that seeped out of balcony doors as I danced in the moonlight. I had dreamt of dancing inside, while I stood frozen in an obscure corner not even servants used. Clad head to toe in armour, I had fumbled to try and dance to the music's tune.
Never did I imagine myself ever being in this position.
Why not just enjoy yourself?
I frowned. You know that's not an option.
Nyx materialised by the window, her dark figure a stark contrast to her bright surroundings. Well maybe if you had listened to me and crushed those weaker than you, no one would dare to approach you.
I sighed, resisting the urge to speak aloud. I was trying to make it a habit to speak to her without talking aloud, so that way I wouldn't accidentally slip up in public. If I had listened to you, I would be in prison already.
She shrugged and placed her ashen hand under the sun's rays which passed straight through her elegant fingers. I've met my fair share of uptight people, but you're creeping to the top of my list. It's pathetic really, to be so on guard all the time.
At least you're immortal. I simmered, anger making me struggle to control my facial expressions. I didn't like showing how she got to me sometimes. Death isn't a worry for you, but for me, I die and that's it.
She shrugged. True. But if you let the darkness in, you would have enough power to crush anyone beneath you. If you let me take control, I will make sure you never have to worry about death ever again. Remember, we're a package deal. I need you to be alive.
A familiar place on my chest started to burn, as if her words were coaxing me to surrender. I placed my hand on my chest, my fingers touching the mark that had appeared the very day I had let Nyx in.
If I let you completely in, I might as well be dead. There's no point if I have no control.
Nyx crept closer, gliding around to my side and placed her hands on my shoulders while whispering into my ear. No. We would be sharing control. We would rule together.
The anxiety in my chest loosened slightly at the thought of the power Nyx would bring me. But I knew better than to foolishly trust her words. Although she spoke the truth, she would always withhold vital bits of information. No doubt she was choosing to leave a few choice words out of this conversation. I have three years left, I have to fight this battle myself.
Nyx slid around to face me, her dark eyes an abyss as she stared right through me while she sighed. You can be a real bore sometimes.
I brushed her off. I don't care. You can go if you want.
She gave a wicked smile before she glanced to the side, her dark eyes narrowing, as if staring at something beyond the walls of this room. It appears someone annoying is getting within range. We'll continue this conversation some other time.
Before I could respond, her body melted into the air.
When we came to this academy, Nyx had been cautious to materialise at times. Apparently there were people here with strong mana and auras. When a knight became a master of their sword, there were those who were fortunate enough to be able to produce the sword masters aura. A sign of true mastery of the sword. It was like magic, but different.
There were even talks of a sword which had been soaked in the blood of thousands, which then developed an aura of death, as if it had sucked the souls of those it had killed. Apparently the academy had a sword like that locked away in a place known to only a select few. It was one of the few rumours going around the academy that actually piqued my interest.
If strong enough, those who could produce an aura could also see those who lived on a different existential plane. Which meant, it might be possible to see Nyx. It was one of the reasons she never materialised around Kael.
Nyx was always on high alert to anyone who might be able to see her. I guess she was enjoying her freedom after been sealed in that lake for eons.
The rest of the weeks were a blur. Thankfully, I only managed to see the Duke of the North once while in the academy's ancient library. During that time, he was surrounded by various nobles who wished to make connections with a duke. After which, they dispersed after he spoke to them something I couldn't hear. Seeing that he would be here longer, I made sure to leave before we crossed paths again.
Quickly, I grabbed the book I had been hunting for and made sure to make a beeline for the exit. I had been having trouble breaking down a text that the professor from the academy of magic had sent me. The study material had been much easier to interpret after using the knowledge I had learnt from Kael.
The study material provided some reprieve from the endless amounts of physical torment. It also was a useful way to spend my time indoors and away from unwanted company.
Like this, I spent the rest of my nights studying, training and dancing before the fateful day arrived.
I had spent that night at the mansion in the capital while all the maids made a fuss. I had been woken early and put through and extensive cleaning process. I could see some of the maids eyes gleam with a feline sheen as they looked at the challenge before them. Although subtle, I knew there must've been some magic used in my preparation, because my hair which normally felt like straw, was now silky and flowed down past my shoulders like a dark waterfall. My ashen skin had been given a healthy hue and my muscles hidden within the fabric of my dress. It glistened as it hit the light, it's simple design showcasing the expensive fabrics which fluttered and shimmered with each move I made. The tailor had truly outdone themself. The dark shades and crushed jewels almost made the dress look like the night sky. The red accents only served to make my red eyes stand out even more than I wished.
Actually that's better. I breathed. No one will want to go near a demon. No people, no problems.
I stared at my reflection with a newfound appreciation.
After this, they began fiddling with my hair, tying up parts of it until half of it was tied up, fixed with a pin adorned with simple silver jewels which appeared like stars in my dark hair. Nothing fancy.
It was a gift from Rounen.
My necklace was much the same style, it had silver jewels which dotted my neck and a single larger stone weighed the design so it stayed in place. Thankfully, the stone wasn't ridiculously large like how I had seen some women dress.
It was a gift from Lucius.
It was surprising how quickly they caught on to my taste.
Though I shuddered at the thought of how much it cost.
As they worked, the maids made sure a few locks had been left to loosely fall around my face, giving it a more natural look which matched my dress.
After eight hours of endless torture, I nearly wept when the maids stood back and smiled at their handiwork.
"We're done miss. You look beautiful."
It was a rare moment when they got to do more than my clothes which I had handpicked myself to not stand out.
For once, they were allowed to go all out.
When I stared back at myself, I barely recognised the person who stared back.
I couldn't see the pale, ashen girl with muscles hardened from years of work and hair that had been tied back to keep from getting in her way.
Instead, there was a girl with silky black hair that was loosely tied up and partly cascaded past her shoulders (I was almost thankful Lettie had refused to let me cut my hair). She had deep red eyes with long eyelashes and healthy, slightly rosy cheeks. Her lips were tinged a slight shade of red that matched her eyes, and she wore a gown of midnight which glimmered around her. Her exposed shoulders became a display for a necklace which refracted the light and alluded to muscular definition from years of work beneath.
This is it. I breathed.
Too bad the real Edythe wasn't here to see this. She was beautiful. Too beautiful to have died the way she did.
But I wouldn't let that stop me tonight. Nyx was right, for once, I would enjoy myself.
It had been too long since I had drunk alcohol, I was almost struggling to remember the taste.
There was a knock at the door before the butler entered. "Lady Edythe, it appears the Lady Rosenberg is here."
Isa had made it.
As I made my way downstairs, Lettie fussed about not wrinkling the dress as I walked in heels that had been purchased months in advance. The heels were only small, and helped to provide me with maximum manoeuvrability while dancing.
At the bottom of the stairs, Lucius and Rounen turned and stared at me with wide, red eyes.
Before they could speak, Isa gasped. "Edythe you look gorgeous! How dare you say you didn't want to attend the ball."
She raced forward and took my arm before Lucius or Rounen could step in.
She didn't seem to care for either of them, nor they her. They had come to a mutual agreement however, that in order to avoid interaction with other nobles and gossip, Isa was partnered with Rounen, and Lucius was partnered up with me.
After much deliberation, I had decided that a simple game of draw the stick would be the determinant of who was to be partnered with who.
Isa had finally relented in partnering with me after they argued that by going together, it would result in less rumours, and by having one of them as her partner, less men would approach her. After all, according to Isa, men were a problem she didn't need.
"Wow." Rounen looked at a loss for words, which was a rarity.
Lucius came forward and smiled, making his visuals striking. "Don't worry, father gave us permission cut off the hands of anyone who tries to go near you."
"Ah." I gave a smile. "How thoughtful."
Rounen huffed. "Though I think cutting off their heads would be a better way to stop them from trying ever again."
I gave his should a pat. "Unfortunately that would be a crime. If you get sent to prison then you can't protect me."
He paused. "True. I guess hands will have to do for now."
I wasn't really sure that hands were a better compromise. Either way would land them in prison. Yet, with Kael's influence, I almost doubted myself.
As we walked, it was strange to hear the soft click of heels, rather than the familiar thud of boots. Today truly was out of the ordinary.
As the maids opened the doors, the last rays of sunlight turned the sky a golden-pink hue. The sun was about to set and the evening was golden. The excitement of the maids was beginning to settle in and I felt my heartbeat pick up a pace. This was it.
I stared at the elegant carriage that awaited us.
As the coachman opened the doors, I sent out a desperate prayer.
Please let me live through tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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