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Princess, she quit


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 32


    Without hesitation, he was decisive, and every look in his eyes was rejecting what he just said.

    Beside, Qin Ning and Xiao Tianlang were shocked when they heard Xiao Tianling's words.

    He knew his relationship with her, that is to say...

    he remembered?

    Sensing her struggle, Xiao Tianling tightened his fingers, looked at the face full of disbelief and suspicion, and said in a deep voice, "Your name is Yan Li, your father is Yan Qingshan, the commander of the Yan family army, the eldest brother is the young commander Yan Xiao, and the second brother Yan Xu is the biggest businessman in Mobei. In the forty-fourth year of Pingde, the first emperor gave me a marriage, you marry me as your wife."

    His tone of voice was very steady, so convincing, but for some reason, the more he was like this, the more It's frightening. Standing clearly in the room, it seemed as if someone had been stuffed into a cage that couldn't move.

    "No..." murmured in a low voice, "No. I don't know the people you mentioned at all, and I don't know you either." "You just forgot." "


    , I forgot. So, even if You don't have any plans to lie to me, and I don't know!"

    Xiao Tianling clasped her hands, dragged her in front of him, and looked straight into her eyes without any evasion, "I never I never lied to you."

    His voice was very low, and he drilled directly into people's hearts. There is a feeling that the door of the heart is wide open, and the uneasiness is entangled, and I want to shrink myself involuntarily.

    "Whether what you said is true, whether you lied to me, I will know when I think about it. But now, I want to go home." The guard in her eyes was like a needle piercing her

    heart , extremely slender, I only feel pain, but I don't know where it is, and I can't pull it out.

    "You want to go back to that person?"

    Frightened by the darkness in his eyes, he fell silent for a moment.



    "Do you believe him?"

    "Jingchen never hurt me."

    As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room was oppressive, with a sense of oppression that was about to come.

    "I want to go home. I trust him. I don't want to stay here. I don't know any of you. Can you let me go now?" Yan Li paused every word in response to his displeasure.

    There was a dark tide in his eyes, "I said, you can't go anywhere except here." "

    So, you want to lock me up here?"

    Before he could answer, Yan Li said again: "Okay, even if you want Shut me up, Jingchen will definitely come to me. The emperor is in Huaizhou, even if you are a relative of the emperor, you can't do whatever you want. He will definitely come." After hearing this, Xiao Tianlang secretly thought that something was wrong

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