Part 10. The Knockout

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Instead of feeling sorry for myself all day, I focus on my big upcoming fight.

After class I head straight to the gym. My knuckles are red raw and my body aches as I push it to its limits.
The best distraction I can think of is pushing myself in the gym. Wrapping my hands with tape every night and sparring in the ring with my coach.

He asks me how I am, clearly able to tell that I'm trying harder than ever to distract my brain. I don't open up and he doesn't ask any more questions.

At the end of the fifth night he tells me to go home early, get some rest.

After showering and making myself a stir fry I lay on my bed, alone.
It's been 5 days since I've seen her. My bed has never felt so big and empty. I haven't laid on her side, if I were to do so that may just confirm that she's not coming back.

It was my side to start with, but she claimed it on that first night and I didn't dispute it.

Picking up my phone I open my text thread with Cheryl. I type something and delete it again, this happens a few times.

Everything I want to say seems too much for a text.

Finally I come to terms with -

'My fight is tomorrow at 8pm, if you're free it would be great to see you there?'

I press send and throw my phone to the bottom of my bed. I roll over and put my face directly into the pillow, unsure if I've done the right thing.

I hadn't planned to sleep but clearly my body needed the rest, or possibly my body knew it was too risky to go back on my phone.
Therefore the only remaining option was to pass out, face first into my pillow.

As the morning sun irritates my eyes I finally decide to check my phone.
No reply.

I have a text from Veronica instead.

'Is it best if I don't come to your fight tonight?'

She texted me last night, just before midnight.

'I'll see you tonight x'

I respond.

Although she may have ruined things with the girl I like, she was drunk, and I'm willing to take my fair share of blame.

I spend my day going over techniques with my coach. We have a healthy lunch together in almost silence.

I keep checking my phone as if Cheryl will have text me back. I'm imagining her in bed with some other girl, someone that will do exactly what she says and give her everything she wants.

This isn't where my mind should be just hours before my fight.

People start to slowly filter into the boxing club, the dress code is smart casual.

From my training room I can see a lot of blazers with trainers, pant suits with heels and the occasional dress.

Before putting my phone away in a locker I check it again. No response.

I make my way to the ring to watch the first fight with my team and my coach.
A group of friends and some of my classmates stand by the ring, I say my hellos and shake hands with some of the guys.

"Please don't make any more bets with girls you meet in the bathroom." I turn around and Ronnie stands before me in a checked blazer and matching trousers with small black heels and a low cut white top.

She pulls me in for a hug and as I begin to speak, she clearly reads my mind.

"I'm so sorry about the other night, I hardly even remember it. Josie told me how much of a mess I was and how I owed you a big apology. I think we both agree that we shouldn't have crossed that line." Ronnie pulls a pained face, I suppose it can be awkward when you hook up with your best friend.

"I'm glad we're on the same page. Thanks for coming tonight, I missed you, in a best friend way." I laugh and so does she.

Ronnie holds my shoulders and gives me words of encouragement as she always does before my fights.

"Is she coming tonight?" Ronnie asks.
I shrug, looking around for that distinct hair colour.

The first fight ends and more people arrive for the main event. The boxing club is filling up, hundreds of people flock inside and grab drinks from the bar.

Some time passes and my coach pulls me up into the ring. The girl I'm fighting is shorter than me but she's fast, I'm told to watch out for her left foot forward and right jab to the eye.

The cheering helps pump all the extra adrenaline through my body, I jump up and down on the spot, maintaining an active heart rate and preparing myself as much as I can.

The bell rings.

Round one is slow, we are trying to figure each other out.

Round two is where we both break a real sweat. I land some punches though I'm not content with them, they should have been harder, more accurate.

Round three is where she catches my eye. I can feel something warm running down my cheek, I ignore it. When the bell rings and my coach sprays water in my mouth, someone else holds an iced compress to my eyebrow, they wipe the blood from my face and I'm ready to go again

Round four. I notice her left foot dart forward and I dodge her right jab. The crowd cheers for me and I hear Ronnie going crazy for me just outside the ring. I land a punch to her jaw and the sweat flies off her face as it whips her head to the right.

Round five. Within 2 seconds of the bell ringing, she lands a punch on the other side of my face. Though I can't feel the pain due to the adrenaline I feel more blood pour from my head.

My vision becomes blurred but I know her when I see her.
My eyes fix on the red head that has just entered the club. I spend just half a second looking at her but I can take in all the glamour she holds.

She wears a tight dress covered in different coloured patterns of white, brown and black. Her hair is curled and full of volume, her lips are dark pink.

Almost instantly her face drops and I see her mouth 'oh my god' to herself.
My head is back in the game and I step forward to hit my opponent, but she comes at me from the side and swings her fist into my temple.

I try to steady myself.

My vision starts to become even more blurry.

Then everything goes black.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Where stories live. Discover now