𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞; 𝐢 𝐝𝐨

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Smiling, Felicity smoothed down her dress as she looked in the mirror. Her heart was beating so fast that it nearly came out of her chest. The nerves Felicity was feeling wasn't something she was particularly accustomed to. Whenever she went on stage, she oozes confidence, the butterflies in her stomach when she first started performing to large crowds were a thing of the past. She hadn't experienced them for a while, until now.

"You ready?" Warren asked, walking into the room.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," Felicity says, turning to look back in the mirror, "I just don't know what to think."

"You're not having second thoughts are you?" Warren asks, standing next to Felicity.

Felicity shook her head quickly, "No of course not, I just can't believe this is happening."

"You've been married before." Warren says, "What's so different?"

"Because this time I'm actually marrying someone I'm in love with." Felicity says, "Is this normal? Feeling this nervous?"

"When I married Lisa I think I was worse than you are right now," Warren says, "So I'd say that you're keeping it together pretty well."

"Would you ever think ten years ago that we would be where we were today?" Felicity asks.

"Not in a million years," Warren says with a laugh, "I mean I'm a father, I wouldn't think that would ever happen."

Felicity chuckled, "Yeah, that is crazy to think about."

Sparing one final glance in the mirror Felicity turned away, "I'm ready now."

"Good because I don't think Eddie can stand to wait a minute longer." Warren says as he holds out his arm for Felicity to take.

The wedding was small, only close family and friends in attendance. Overall there were about twenty people at the wedding. It took place in Felicity's garden as it was large enough and both Felicity and Eddie wanted something a little bit more personal. As Felicity and Warren stood in front of the patio doors, she could see Eddie through the lace curtain. Her breathing hitched.

Warren looked down at Felicity and smiled, "You'll be okay."

Felicity looked up at him and smiled, "I know, it just feels so surreal."

It was dark and the garden was lit up with lights and candles. The guests all stood around creating an 'aisle' for Felicity to walk down. The sky was full of stars and the air was just cold enough for goosebumps to appear on Felicity's bare arms.

As the patio doors opened to reveal Felicity, Eddie's face broke out in a wide smile. She looked beautiful and his stomach was doing summersaults. As she slowly walked towards him, he couldn't help but let a tear slip down his cheek that he didn't even bother to wipe away.

All sorts of emotions were coursing through Eddie. He couldn't believe that he was marrying the woman he has loved for ten years. After that night in Chicago, Eddie never would have thought that he would see Felicity again, let alone marry her.

As Felicity and Warren reached the end of the aisle, Warren pressed a kiss to her cheek before standing next to Lisa. Felicity stood in front of Eddie, a wide smile on her face.

"Hi." Eddie says.

"Hi." Felicity says, her eyes welling with tears.

Reaching up Felicity wiped the tears away from Eddie's eyes, him doing the same to her. The two looked at each other with pure love, the type of love that is only seen in movies and on tv. It was pure unconditional love.

"Felicity," Eddie began, "From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You were different from anyone I had ever met before. I didn't know it then but I knew that I loved you right from the start. I loved your laugh, confidence, and humour, but most of all I loved your kindness, your ability to not care what anyone thought of you." Eddie's thumbs gently caressed her knuckles.

"I know we went through some rough patches, quite a few actually," Felicity laughs at the comment, "But I can't see me spending my life with anyone else. Since the day we met, I've felt a pull towards you, like I always wanted to be near you or hear your voice. Being apart from you these past six years have made me feel more miserable than I have in a while, but being with you again, for the first time in my life, I feel like nothing can ever go wrong. I love you Felicity and I will keep loving you for the rest of my life."

Tears were now streaming down Felicity's face. She tried her best to remain composed but she failed horrendously. Eddie reached up and wiped away her tears while he tried his best to remain composed.

"Eddie," Felicity began, her voice shaky, "I'll be honest and say that I don't have much for my vows because everything I want to say, you already know. But what I will say is that I adore you, I love you like I've never loved anyone else. Because what we have is pure. Sometimes it can get messy, but that's what love is, it's not meant to be perfect all the time because that would be a lie. I'm glad that we aren't perfect, I'm glad that we have arguments and disagreements because we know each other well enough to admit that we were wrong and move on from it together."

The tears that Edde tried to hold back, now cascaded down his cheeks as he listened to Felicity's words. The grip on her hands became ever so tighter, wanting nothing more than to pull her into his arms and for the two to remain that way for the rest of time.

"I love you Eddie Roundtree, more than you can ever imagine." Felicity finished.

Warren and Lisa watched the two from the front row as they finished their vows. Warren tried not to cry as his two friends. Lisa turned her head to look at him.

"How long have you been waiting for this?" She muttered.

"A fucking long time." Warren answered as the smile on his face widened.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Eddie smiled as he gently reached out pulling Felicity closer to him by her waist as she gently cupped his cheeks. Once their lips connected everyone cheered but neither Felicity nor Eddie could hear, the only thing they were focussed on was one another. Felicity was the first to pull away and rested her forehead on Eddie's as the two smiled at each other before finally turning to face their friends and family. Taking Felicity's hand in his, Eddie laced their fingers together before they walked the short distance down the aisle.


Once Felicity and Eddie had broken away from their friends and family for a moment the two found themselves sitting on their bedroom floor. Eddie's arm draped across Felicity's shoulders as she curled into his side. No words were exchanged between the two, no words had to be exchanged. Felicity tilted her head up to look at Eddie and she smiled.

"I can't believe this is real." Felicity said in a hushed tone.

Eddie looked down at her, pulling her a little closer to him, "I can't either. Mrs Roundtree. That's something I've only ever imagined calling you."

Felicity smiled before pressing her lips against his. Slowly moving to straddle his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you, Eddie Roundtree." Felicity says.

Eddie's hands gently traced patterns on her thighs, "And I adore you, Felicity Roundtree."


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