Chapter 3: Going on a wrong vacation

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"Chapter 3: " Going on a wrong vacation"

6:15 p.m- Near the Gate

Soldiers and officers are walking around their established base going to their assigned place, near one of the big tents and then an officer steps inside.

General Celsus is seen pointing at a incomplete map, since the wyvern are flying with caution around the sky of this place, they don't want to venture out further away from the base since last time someone this their wyvern and their rider was attacked by a bird with saw like beak, wyvern are powerful as the Saderan empire says but 1 wyvern and a rider couldn't handle a swarm of leaf wings, the leaf wings are armed with serrated bone trunk even with their small size having a swarm of it, is no joke.

General Celsus spoke and said "Gentlemen, I just sent a message to the emperor for reinforcement, since the scouts we sent, well most of them didn't return and some return as small group than their intended size, and so I want ideas, plans, or anything that can subjugate this world for the empire" after speaking in front of his other officer asking for any ideas on what is the next course of action.

Since so far their plans are progressing very slowly.

7:00 p.m- Outside the tent

A wyvern rider is seen running towards the tent, as he arrives at the entrance of tent, guards block his path to ask his purpose of visit and rider spoke " I'm here to bring a good news to general Celsus of my findings" and one of the guards steps inside the tent to inform general Celsus and his officers.

The guards step outside to inform the rider to proceed inside the tent, and the rider steps inside the tent, saluting his officer and proceeding to inform them about their findings.

Wyvern rider 1: "General Celsus I have  to inform you that me and my wyvern have found a mineral deposit due west of the bamboo area"

General Celsus: "That's good to hear lad, I'm going to send 500 men and 10 wyvern including you to lead them to the mineral deposit that you saw, but I want you and the ground team to get that resource as fast as you can, you got that?"

Wyvern rider 1: "Yes sir I shall inform my squadron"

General Celsus: Pilus prior Maryes  I want you to lead a cohort and follow the wyverns, and after that secure the mineral deposit, Pilus prior I'm emphasizing that you secure the deposit the empire is gonna need that  you understand me?"

Pilus prior Maryes: "Yes General Celsus I'll proceed as you ordered!"

After the meeting the cohort and the 10 wyvern rider took a rest for the night and will proceed with their plans to head to the mineral deposit.
             === 11 Hours later ===

6:00 am- Saderan Camp

Pilus prior Maryes: " Alright lads! General Celsus has ordered us to head west, we are to secure the mineral deposit that the wyvern corp. Has spotted "

Centuria 1: "Sir Maryes how are you sure that the mineral deposit that the wyvern corp has spotted is actually a mineral deposit?"

The wyvern rider steps in to answer the centuria's question "Well sir Palpios no need to worry I made sure that it is a mineral deposit, since I have circled the place many times"

Pilus Prior Maryes: "Centuria Palpios stop doubting the young man, don't you trust the wyvern corp?"

Centuria 1: "No sir, I just wanted to make sure, this place gives me the vibes."

Pilus prior Maryes: "Any questions?" No one raises their hand "If none proceed with plan, so far we have not yet encountered any of the inhabitants, so we don't have any slaves yet"

As the men that are part of the cohort that is tasked to secure the mineral deposit the wyvern corp discovered, are preparing to move out.

Soldier 260: "I can't wait to taste the slave of this world" he remarks

Soldier 259: "Me too man, but just like the prior said we haven't actually caught anything yet, not even a demi human"

After the men part of the 8th cohort finished preparing, they proceeded to move out of the camp, as they march to their objective, stopping every 5 miles.

The 8th cohort arrives at the entrance of the long bamboo forest, after marching for 2 days due to the unknown terrain they have some minor delay with the ground force while the 10 wyvern riders flying in the sky scouting for every landmark, and water spot that they could use.

The 8th cohort proceeds to enter the bamboo forest.

                ==== 2 Hours later ====

A fog set's in around the bamboo forest the men of the 8th cohort are unknowingly entered the part of the forest that is infested with giants.

The sound of shuffling armor and shields echo through the forest, men of the 8th cohort are being slowed down by the heavy fog that came out of nowhere after marching for 2 hours, some of the men didn't expected a thing that this forest is Dangerous due to their pride of defeating other creatures back in their world but nonetheless, the fog seems to annoy they.

Shuffling of the bamboos are shadowed by the noise of the armors and shields shuffling around the bamboo forest not noticing the moving bamboo, far to back the men they're talking while marching, as one of the men part ways a few feet away from the centuria to pee.

But unknowingly due to the fog masking the giant mama long leg moving and preparing to strike it's first target.

The soldier saw the glimpse of the bamboo on his right move but it was too late before he even saw the giant spider he was hit with the bamboo diagonally, not until the spider retract it's bamboo leg the man fell down dead.

But before the man died he felt a sudden pain in his chest and not too long, almost all of his organs is sucked out of the bamboo leg of the giant, when the man fell down dead due to the mans armor hitting the metal shield it made a noise, loud enough for the nearby soldiers to hear .

Unknown soldier 1: "What was that?" He turned his head towards the noise

Unknown soldier 2: "You heard that right Apalpus?

Unknown soldier 3: "Yes I heard it ,can you quiet down!" He said with the low voice but enough for the other man to hear.

Unknown solider 4: "We need to caught up with the res-" before he finished he sentence while looking up, he saw a bamboo about to strike him, but to his confusion he didn't managed to dodge the bamboo and was pierced with the bamboo.

Seeing that one of the men suddenly turned silent the other 3 men look to their comrade and saw a bamboo sticking out of his throat piercing all the way through the back of the neck,  the guy unable to scream, he suffered a painful wound, but that was just start.

The bamboo proceeds to pull up out of the man's throat, leaving a handful of blood and some part of the next in the process, unknown to the men that guy's organs was sucked out while still experiencing pain in the process, so they panicked  , they haven't encountered anything like this.

              === End of Chapter 3 ===
Note: I apologize for posting this long since I have a lot of things to do but thanks to the motivation that I managed to write the chapter 3 against the wall of school work that I have.

It was surprising that this story managed to tell a story even though it's a testing runs, anyway thanks for voting from the previous chapter, I hope you guys enjoy this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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