Chapter 11: Searching for truth

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Pihu's pov

"Rajababu wake up......"

I called him but he was in deep slumber. I smiled after looking at his face. He is looking so normal while sleeping. Infact I forgot about his medical state.

He slowly opened his drooled eyes. He looked at me and smiled softly. My heart sped up and i was shocked to see his eyes. They were looking so mature, they do not have the kid like features.

"I love you"

He said. I stood frozen for a moment.

"I'm glad that you are here... Myra"

I lost my speech. He closed his eyes and slept again. I stood in shock for few minutes.

Then automatically a smile spread on my lips and i almost ran from there to inform Ranima. She was in the garden.

"Ranima....Ranima....i have a good news"

I was unable to hold my excitement.

"What happened Pihu?"

"Rajababu slowly recovering...he just spoke like a normal person..."

Her face also brighten up after hearing me.

"What he said?"

"He took Myra Mam's name on his sleep....i think his memories are coming back...Vaidya ji told me about this....he said Rajababu can slowly get his memory back, and if that happened, we can definitely be positive about his well being...."

Ranima joined her hands and prayed to God.

"Surely this will happen Pihu"

She has tears on her eyes.

"What happened? Why are you crying mom?"

Baivab entered the garden suddenly along with that Nishant.

"There is a good news... Rajveer's memory is coming back...he just took Myra's name in the morning...i think he will recover soon"

Ranima told Baivab in excitement.

"Oh really!! That's a very good news... It's wonderful...."

Baivab was looking overexcited. His reaction didn't settle well with me. I found something fishy. I don't know why my hurt keep telling me that Baivab is not what he showed from outside. My eyes moved on Nishant and i found his gaze on me. I immediately averted my eyes in irritation. I really can't believe that Mira mam chose this man instead of Rajababu.

"Ranima, i know a doctor very well....he is one of the best neurosurgeon of our city....i think we should call him.... I'm sure Rajveer will get better with his treatment"

Baivab said.

"Please contact him immediately..."

After a longtime i found Ranima very happy. I also got my hopes high. I looked at Baivab. He is looking genuinely happy. May be I'm doubting him too much. If he was that bad, then he never arranged the best doctor for Rajababu.

I walked out from there. I reached our room. I found Tuhin mam was talking to Rajababu.

"Veer, do you remember Myra?"

"No...i don't know any Myra....who is she?"

Rajababu was scratching his head like a kid. Suddenly Tuhin di saw me standing at the door.

"My doll is here.....I was looking for you in our small tent.... Don't go like that....I got scared when I didn't see you"

Rajababu walked towards me. I smiled nervously at him because I found Tuhin Mam's gaze on me and the gaze was not friendly.

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