Chapter 49

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The meeting takes place in Father's personal study. He's already there, so are Karl and the Head of Congress. Darrel leads me inside, yet knowing this is a private meeting, he's forced to walk out. Before he leaves though, he assures me he'll be waiting outside the door, and in case anything happens, I should just shout for him. I smile at him thankfully and take a seat on the empty armchair, the one next to Karl's.

"I'm sorry, Fia." My brother whispers to me as greeting. I know it isn't polite from me, but I don't answer. I'm too shaken from everything that has happened. This time, it's not only my duty on the line. It's also the chance to spend time with my boyfriend and my friends. The people I love most. I can't let my guard down now.

"Your Royal Highnesses," the Head of Congress, Mr. Antigone, greets us and hereby officially begins the meeting. The bodyguards outside close the doors and lock them. No one except for us four is able to hear this conversation.

"I believe you both know why we've called you here today." Mr. Antigone continues, trying hard not to stare at Karl. My brother notices and tenses. "The future line to the throne of Cordelia is at stake."

Karl and I nod, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Karl, son, the way I see it, you have two options: you leave the woman..." Father says, yet he's interrupted by my brother.

"Her name is Sierra."

Father looks past his comment and continues: "You either leave the woman and remain heir to the throne, or decide to spend your life with her and Sofia will be the next ruler of Cordelia."

"No", I whisper, loud enough for them to hear. They look past my comment as well.

"Why can't I have both?!" Karl shouts annoyed, standing up. I still remain like frozen on my chair. "Take Fia for example. She's allowed to be with Alec Dunn, a non-royal person who might as well use her, and no one has tried to break them up so far."

Hearing him talk about my relationship with Alec like that pisses me off. Which is why I also stand up: "How dare you?!" I shout at him and he freezes. I've never shouted at him before. Truth is, he has never heard me shout at anybody before. I've always been the nice princess in front of him. Well, that nice princess is gone. The moment he dared to speak of me and Alec like that, she died. All that's left is anger now. "How dare you talk about my boyfriend like that?! You don't know half of the things Alec and I have been through to be able to be together. You don't know how many times I had to look at him and know I couldn't call him mine. Be afraid to share looks in the hallways. You don't know a thing about him. Which gives you no right to insult him."

"It still doesn't make sense." he continues. "You get to live your fairytale life as some of us are forced to choose between love and duty."

"Right. That's what you think my life is. A fairytale." I say, letting out a dry laugh. "If only you knew..."

"Karl, Sofia; that's enough." Father stops us, his voice showing how annoyed he is. "We're here to find solutions, not to create more problems."

I sit down rolling my eyes. Before anyone can add anything, I whisper again: "I am not going to be queen."

Karl sighs furious and we let the two men speak.

"So, Your Royal Highness, what will your decision be?" the Head of congress asks my brother. I get annoyed again.

"So, let me get this straight. Karl gets to decide what he wants to do, and I just have to go with whatever works for him?" I ask.

Neither of the men in the room give me an answer.

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