Instagram or vote?

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Heyaa all my lovely flowers. Hope y'all are doing well. I know you'll not ask so let me say it myself, that yes, I'm also doing well. Well, do one thing guys, let's do a vote in the comment section. All my readers who :

• Loved this story post one '💍'
• Hated this story post one '⚠️'
• want epilogue?  post one '🤓'

And start voting. Let me see the results.

And one more thing. I've got an instagram acc. So please go check out. I post edits and I work real hard on them. So if you watch them I'll be blessed.

And one request, like the reels please🤫🤫

My acc : jeontaehyung48

Now bye my beautiful flowers. Enjoy the day and if you're reading this at night have sweet dreams. And if you're studying then go back and study!

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