chapter twenty-seven

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Sae waited as everyone gathered their things, the air was crisp, light puffs of smoke came out of their mouths from the cold. The grey skies were turning dark as the night approached, but she was determined to keep practising. 

"You coming, Sae?", Aisha asks her friend as the rest of the girls from the Winx suite stand close. "Uhh, no. I'll stay for a few more minutes.", Aisha nods but Terra refuses to stay silent today too. "You've been staying longer, every morning and night. I think you might be too good when the time comes.", Terra chuckles, but the thought of being too good sents chills through Sae bones. 

"Yeah, I just. I hate I'm losing control when I'm freezing stuff. So I'm basically just meditating. And the air and quiet helps.", she nsers, the lie coming out of her mouth like water. And the girls nod. "Don't stay out for too long.", Bloom smiles at her and she nods, biding them goodbye and making her way further into the woods. 

She drops her bag on the ground when she finds a secluded space, sitting on the ground on her knees she waits patiently. In the meantime she tries clearing her thoughts and mind, just as he told her.

 Pushing every good emotion in the back og her mind, she thought of all the times she felt weak and betrayed. All the times she felt like drowning, she didn't want to feel like that ever again. But she couldn't know if she did this, would it help her reach the sruface or would it pull her deaper.

Her ears pearked up at the sound of a twig snapping and her eyes traile over the woods in front of her, her eyes settling on a small, white bunny. 

She lifts her trembling hands, from the cold or fear, she wasn't even sure. "I'm sorry little bunny.", she whispers, her hands outstretched infront of her. She gives all her attention to the little bunny, listening to the liquids inside of him. The heart pumping the blood that's cursing through him. She feels it, she could almost taste it. It makes her stomach churn, and she's afraid she'd throw up again. 

But she doesn't and when she's ready, she bends her fingers like she's squeezing something. The little bunny yelps at first, but then he's quiet. She made him quiet, but he was still alive and breathing, so she continues on. Using the blood she controling inside of him, she makes him take a step, then two. And she wants to smile because she finally did it, and she would if it weren't for the guilt eating her alive. 

She managed to make him take a few more steps before she decideds it's enough, so she concentartes on realising him, realising the power. But that's the problem, shile she managed to learn dangerously fast how to use the power, she didn't know how to sfely release it.

She tried her best, but instead of letting the bunny's blood flow naturally again, she squezzed and contracted his veins, clenching his heart. The bunny dropped dead and she let out an anguished scream, her tears mising with the sweat coating her body as she dropped her hands on the ground, letting her head fall with them. She cried, repeatedly hitting the ground with her fists. 

The sky above her thundered, lightning lighting up the sky as she let her emotions control her. The rain started shortly after, but it wasn't a light drizzle like all the other nights. It was pouring, hard and cold, hitting her back like ice shards. But he didn't care. She didn't even bother using her magic to keep the rain away, she let it hit her and soak her. 

She didn't care anymore, she let it all out. 

Riven tiredly trudged through  the halls towards his room. He spent the day with the rest of specialist leading a false trail, which left him tired and angry. And the last thing he wanted to do was lay in an empty room.

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