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JASON TODD was not anxious.

He knew Danny could handle himself fine, the kids sharp wit and iron resolve wasn’t gonna dull by being in a new place.

Jason probably should be worried more for the school than his son, Danny was a scarily competent seven year old and Jason knew the kid could hold a grudge.

(Jason was honestly surprised he was getting away with going out so soon after getting shot. Thank god for the kids weirdly skewed perspective of recovery time.)

But Jason hadn’t gotten any calls about Danny burning down the school yet, so either he was laying low, or he was being sneaky about the takeover.

Jason figured it was the second.

Or maybe the school lost their phones in the blaze.

Pulling his motorcycle to a stop in front of one of his safe houses, Jason pulled out his phone to check and make sure Danny hadn’t texted him.

He wasn’t being clingy, he was just being a good aware dad to his kid.

Okay maybe he was being a bit clingy.

Jason pulled his key out of his pocket and unlocked the door, flipping a small switch under the doorknob to disable his security system.

He pushed open the door, pausing in the doorway when he heard noises coming from his kitchen.

He automatically adjusted his stance, silently easing the door shut and creeping down his hallway, hand resting on the small gun he kept on the inside of his jacket.

He peeked through the doorway of the kitchen before his shoulders abruptly relaxed, and he let himself turn the corner and rest himself against the doorway.

“Hello, people who do not live here.” He watched as three heads turned to look at him, a wry smile on his face.

“Hey there Jay!” Roy grinned, and Jason couldn’t help but feel a bit at peace among his friends.

Jon had decided he liked Danny.

Yeah he was kinda weird, but Jon was half-alien so he really wasn’t in a place to judge.

Yeah, the younger kid had an unhealthily slow heartbeat, and sometimes his eyes were an unnatural green, and his body temperature was so low he could’ve been mistaken for a corpse, but it wasn’t exactly Jon’s place to pry.

The Boy king and The Dark KnightsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant