Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

After the school sports meeting, it's a holiday.

The position on the blackboard of Class 1, Senior Three, was covered with awards, and those who couldn't fit were pasted on the back.

The students were very excited, even the thick test papers did not dampen their enthusiasm.

Then came the first monthly exam.

Because of this sports meeting, I moved the monthly exam to the holiday.


"Stop yelling, and study hard when you get back. The first monthly exam in the third year of high school, you all prepare for me, understand?"

After the head teacher announced the bad news, it meant that they were on vacation.

The excitement of the holiday just now has dissipated. Even if they go home, they will still face the pressure of piles of test papers and the next monthly exam.

Zhou Shiyi has already gone through the college entrance examination once, so he has already expected the life ahead.

During the holidays, the results of the semi-finals of the biology competition were also released.

Zhou Shiyi successfully entered the provincial first class with both theoretical and practical scores.

With two full marks, Zhou Shiyi was undoubtedly selected to prepare for the next national competition.

It has been several years since Mingde Middle School had no good seedlings for National One, this time Zhou Shiyi entered the provincial team with absolute strength, and seeing that he had a chance to run for National One, so Zhou Shiyi got another generous scholarship.

Before the holiday was over, Zhou Shiyi had already packed his things and headed north to prepare for the next national competition.

The class group of Class 1 of Senior Three was lively again.

"God Zhou deserves to be my God Zhou, the only one with two full marks, and our God Zhou is among them."

"Others get full marks in the test papers, but with the points I got in the test, Lao Wu said that letting a dog step on my answer sheet is better than me in the test."

Lao Wu is the math teacher in their class. He is usually very strict, and he is a Mediterranean fat man who speaks lively and funny.

During the break, Gu Sheng took out his mobile phone and saw the news, his hands paused.

In his previous life, Zhou Shiyi just left to report, and in this life, it's about the same.

Gu Sheng sent Zhou Shiyi a "Congratulations."

Zhou Shiyi didn't reply.

Gu Sheng knew that they were under a lot of pressure to participate in the training camp, and they almost didn't use their mobile phones. Gu Sheng also put down his phone and took a sip of coffee.

If there is no mistake in Zhou Shiyi's future, he will go to B University, so he can't be too far behind.

After entering the training camp, Zhou Shiyi's life was very fulfilling.

Here, the people I met were basically the best people in the country, and Zhou Shiyi was also aroused to fight with them.

With a group of people of comparable strength, the charm of competing on the same stage is no less than meeting a bosom friend.

The training session was long and airtight, and Zhou Shiyi had no chance to get his cell phone until after the training session was over.

Zhou Shiyi replied with a few messages of congratulations, and reported to his family that he was safe.

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