Little Omega

125 7 0

AFG Mixed: First Heat

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Laura called her papa when she discovered the reason why Stiles had gone to the nurse, missing lunch in the process. Her hands shook as she texted her papa, calling him as well. He'd know what to do. As an alpha Laura knew some things but her papa was an omega. He would know how to help Stiles.

Thankfully, the nurse didn't make Laura leave. Laura did overhear the nurse's cursing under her breath when the sheriff didn't answer after a third call. So, when Laura said she called her papa, an omega and they'd look after Stiles, the nurse was more than willing to let the young alpha stay with Stiles. It was a relief for Nurse Jacklyn to have someone looking after and caring about the young omega. While she worked, she talked with them about school. It was a good way to pass the time while they waited for Mr. Hale to arrive.

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When he finally pulled up in front of the school, Laura was waiting out front with Stiles who had her hand clasped tightly in his much smaller one. "Papa, this is Stiles."

Mr. Hale squatted down in front of the boy and smiled warmly. "Hello, Stiles."

The boy tilted his head, his small hand clinging to Laura's as he nodded, shyly whispering, "Hi, Laura papa."

Laura smiled but she was full of nerves. It bothered her that Stiles didn't seem to know what was happening to him. The boy was too young to start having heats, right? Laura was certain Stiles's dad hadn't talked to him about them yet or he wouldn't be so clueless as to what was going on.

Stiles smiled at Laura's papa and giggled. "Omega!"

Laura giggled at his excitement as Stiles nuzzled into the man's arms without letting go of her hand. The purr he let out was adorable and made Laura coo. "Mega," Stiles said with a happy squeal and a purr.

Mr. Hale chuckled and nodded, his hand brushing up and down the boy's back. "That's right. Are you an omega too?"

Stiles nodded and let out a happy rumble. "Uh huh. I is omega. Just wike my mommy was..."

Mr. Hale looked at Laura questioningly. He kept his voice soft so as not to disturb the omega's attempts to scent him. His gaze was fixed on his daughter, his eyebrow quirking up in the signature Hale way. "It seems to me that he is having a preheat. However, it also appears he isn't aware of what's happening and I'm certain he is too young to be entering one outside of certain circumstances."

Stiles blinked owlishly at them, almost scent drunk and scrunches his nose. "Preheat? I do dat to the oven when I make suppers for my daddy."

Mr. Hale gaped at the omega's statement. Granted cooking was definitely in the realm of omega duties so to speak but Stiles was not even double digits yet. In fact, if Mr. Hale remembered correctly the boy was probably only five or six years old.

They ended up taking Stiles to the station after Mr. Hale pulled them both out of school for the day. Being the mate of the mayor made the process much smoother.

The Sheriff was busy with work, and Mr. Hale was glad he didn't let the boy come inside. It would've hurt him to see how easily his dad pawned him off on someone else. He didn't even let Mr. Hale explain what had happened. Well, Arthur Hale would be bringing this to his wife's attention.

It wasn't okay for the sheriff to be so uncaring. It would be his downfall. After all, on the way to the sheriff's station both Laura and her papa learned that Stiles took care of the house as if he were a kept omega and not a child. He cooked, cleaned and did everything without any gratitude. The boy seemed to believe it was his job, was expected of him and that wasn't how the Hales treated or viewed omegas.

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Talia was in the kitchen when they got back to the Hale House and while Arthur took care of Stiles, Talia sat her daughter down for an explanation of the day's events.

"Your father will take care of the boy."

"Stiles," Laura said. "His name is Stiles."

Talia smiled and nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Stiles. Now, why don't you tell me what's going on?"

"Mama, he's so little. How can he have a preheat already?"

Talia tilted her head in thought and shrugged one shoulder. "Well, sometimes omegas bloom early. Tell me, when did you realize he was in preheat?"

Laura pondered the question for a moment. "Well, I went to the nurse because I was worried about him. He was fine after I hugged him and dropped him off at his classroom. He always seeks me out before school to get his hug. When I didn't see him before lunch, I was worried. So, I got a pass from my teacher and went to check the nurse's office. When I got there, he was there talking but I don't know who he was talking to. He looked at me and—" She stopped suddenly, her eyes going wide.

Talia chuckled knowingly. "Did he flash his eyes at you?" 

Laura nodded. "Yes," she whispered. "He flashed them, and they were a beautiful turquoise color."

"Did you flash your eyes back at him in return?" Talia asked, already knowing exactly what it all meant.

Laura nodded again and looked at her mom with an awed expression.  She smiled softly and a rumble sounded in her chest. "He's, my omega?" She asked and looked towards the stairs.

"Yes, but he might not yet understand, Laura. Be patient with him. Yes?"

Laura huffed but nodded, already feeling her instincts flare up with the need to look after her omega. "I'll try."

Talia nodded. "Good girl. Come help me in the kitchen. Your father will bring him back shortly and we'll go from there. Okay?"

"Okay, mama." Laura glanced once more at the stairs smiling when she heard the omega—her omega—rambling excitedly to Laura's papa. She giggled softly and sighed happily when she heard the boy squeal at the pajamas he was put into.

Knowing her papa was looking after her mate, allowed some tension to bleed from Laura's shoulders. Stiles would be okay. The Hales would make sure of it.

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