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I have a new book in the works! It's a romance/contemporary starring none other than Richelle Cleveland! I won't divulge too many secrets, but I'm very excited about this latest novel.

I can finally delve into her deeper emotions and loss and how she deals with it. She, as a character, embodies me more than any other character I've written, and I'm very passionate about her story. Because of that, I'm hesitant to publish the story to WP before it's finished and polished because I really want her and the layers of her character to be perfect.

Writing her character analysis, I feel like I personally know Richelle, and I hold her character very close to my heart. But even so, a story and a main character can't exist without deuteragonists and tertiary characters! So I want to know: what do you want to see come out in the characters? Are there feelings you want to see? Actions? Passions? Backstories? Just events that you want to see in their life? I'll put my cast list for the book down below. Leave your ideas in the comment section of that character. Thanks for your feedback!

Richelle Jane Cleveland, age 16 (MC)

Sadie Grace Cleveland, age 14

Gabby Mae Cleveland, age 12

Miles Harris, age 16

Cici and Charlotte Griffin, age 10

Jazmine and Sierra, age 14

Ally Jensen, age 14

Mallory (age 15) and Aunt Stephanie

Eva Ann Cleveland


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