Chapter 9

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(Four months to marriage)
Arnav's POV
After pulling a late night shift, I dragged myself to my home (the 'Batcave'). Whilst crossing through the park, I spotted Nk and Scooby doing their morning run.
Khushi's dad had a heart attack yesterday at work so Khushi had to fly to Mumbai, leaving Scooby with Nk. Scooby ran towards me almost dragging Nk along with him.

"Hi, buddy" - I kneel down to pet his head and he enjoyed every bit of attention..

"Any news about her dad?" - I enquired with Nk.
"She called this morning. Luckily the attack wasn't major, but doctors have suggested keeping in the hospital for observation. She said that she wanted to speak to you about it." - he replied
"Well, she didn't say anything." - I responded and while saying so, I quickly checked my phone for any message. Found a message from Peaches.. I mean, Khushi. Almost two hours ago.. meaning she must have sent the message around 5 am. Does she even sleep at all?

Dude, when you are free, let me know. Need your help.

I quickly messaged her back

Will call you in 10 mins, peaches.

Nk, scooby, and I walked home. Nk's house is closer to mine. He was telling that he has asked his friends to look after Scooby since he has to go to his hometown for some festival.

"I can keep Scooby." - I offered. I will have to get used to Scooby since Scooby would be staying with us after marriage. Khushi did ask if I would be okay and I told her that I'm fine with him since I always wanted a dog growing up.

"I will have to check with Khushi."

(After a few minutes)
"She says no" - Nk told me, while on a call with Khushi.
"Let me talk to her."
I took the mobile from Nk.
Sensing my presence and before I could even utter a single syllabus, Khushi interpreted-
"I really don't want to bother you. Scooby is a little puppy and is yet to be trained. He's a walking barking chaos."
"His mom is no less." - I retorted
"Heyy, watch it dude." - She pointed with a hint of annoyance.
"Honestly, It's no trouble really" - I tried to argue and I won..
Khushi tried to draw a line on the sand - "Fine, but if he troubles you, let me know. I can arrange for my friends to pick him up.."
"Deal, give uncle (Khushi's dad) my regards."
"Will do." - She replies, sounding tired.
I pass the mobile back to Nk.
"Noods (Khushi), please tell dad (Khushi's dad) to take care."
I noticed how we both called Khushi's dad. He's going to be my future in-law and not my uncle. I made a self-note to start addressing him as "dad"

We walked to Nk's flat to collect Scooby's food and things. Nk ended up dropping us at my house on his bike since Scooby needs a lot of things. For a little boy, he sure needs an entire galaxy of things.

(Back in Arnav's house)
Nk helped me in setting up Scooby's play-pen. We had laid a shit load of newspaper and towels since Scooby is not trained and would pee at the most random of places. He told him about his eating and walking schedules. Just like his mother (Khushi), he is an early boi (boy) and apparently whines if Khushi is a minute or two late back home. Just a puppy and he's already a mommy's boy.

Wait... does that make me his daddy?? When the realization hit me, sure I am scared but I find myself more excited and curious rather than scared.

Khushi's POV
I had sent Dad's report to Arnav, asking him for a second opinion. And he said what the doctor had already said.
"He's okay. Just stress and tension."

(Next day)
The doctors released Dad back home and I sat by his bedArnave, doing my office since I will be working from home this week.I was on 2 days' holiday since I had to be in the hospital for Dad.

While I was busy catching up on whatever work I missed, I caught my dad staring at me from the corner of my eye.
"You want anything?" - I asked him.
I watched his face morph into a deep expression of sadness.
"I am going to miss this." - he sighed.
"Miss what?" - I asked.
"You taking care of me." - he replied.
"Obviously, I'm going to take care of you. You guys didn't even give me a sibling to delegate labor. So, you are stuck with me." - I replied, sticking out my tongue at the last line.
"Not for long" - he said as he caressed my hair.
"All the stress from your job leads to your attack (heart attack). Please retire so that we can take care of your health." - I told him.
"How long will you take care of me?" - he asked me. And beArnave I could reply to his question, he remarked.
"You will have a new family. A husband and kids. You will forget about me."
I didn't know what to reply. Will I be like his sister who ignored everyone after her marriage? I don't want to be like her.
Will I be able to handle all the additional responsibilities that comes with being a wife, a sister-in-law and possibly a mother?
My first thought is to run away from it and call off my engagement. I am still a kid. Well, a 26-year-old kid.
"I won't be like your sister." - I told him firmly, making a mental vow in my head that my parents will always be my priority..
"You know never." - he remarked sadly.
Oh Dad, I'm never going to ignore you.
I didn't know how to console him.

Fortunately, my phone rang. Without even bothering to check the caller, I quickly told him - "Sorry, I have to take this call." And ran out of his room with my laptop and went to my bedroom.

It was Arnav calling. That too a video call.
I look at myself through the mirror and tame my messy hair before answering his call.

Arnav's POV
That little devil has peed all over the floor. Chewed on half my shoe. Crumbled up some newspaper. And played with the doorstopper. All within the last 3 hours. Thankfully, I was on leave today so I was able to control the extent of chaos but...

If I can't handle a puppy, how am I going to handle a child? Oh God, can I just skip this marriage and live my life as a Saint??

With Scooby misbehaving and lying on the sofa which is supposed to no-no zone, I told him
"I'm going to call your mom."
I guess he understand my words and immediately dropped the shoe that was chewing while having a death grip on it.
Someone's scared of their mother.
To be honest, even I am...

The video call showed Khushi looking drained but slightly lighten up seeing me.
"How's.. dad?" - I was just about to call Khushi's dad as an uncle but quickly corrected myself.
"Huh, I haven't spoken to your dad." - she replied, looking rather tense.
"I meant, your dad." - I replied sheepishly.
Khushi - "OH, he's fine. We are back home."

(After a few minutes of talking and explaining about what Scooby has been up to.)

"Scooby, listen to your daddy." - Khushi said and my heart nearly skipped a beat when she called me Scooby's daddy, I know that Scooby would be living with us post marriage and since Khushi is like his mother, that would make me - his dad. But still, it felt weird but at the same time, heart whelming that Khushi has thought about our life together.
I heard her mom calling her.
Khushi - "I have got to go.
(Talking to Scooby)Scooby, be a good boy.
(Talking to Arnav) take care, bye."


After ending the call with Khushi, I looked at Scooby and our noses almost touched.
"Looks like it's just you and me, buddy."

Just then, I heard someone clearing his throat and it was Akash recording us on his mobile.
"SO CUTE" - he screamed in joy and sarcasm, still filming us.
"You better delete that video." - I warned it since it's super embarrassing. Scooby too glared at him for interpreting a father-son moment and for getting in trouble with his mother (Khushi). Hehe.

"Nope." - he retorted and we ran around the house and I had Akash delete the video, although I am sure that he would send a copy to either Payal or Mom by now.
Just when we returned from the bedroom after fighting, I noticed that the door was still open.
"Where's Scooby?"
We tried to search for him at home and called him, but no response.
He must have ran out..

Your mom is going to kill me, Scoob.

Thanks to everyone for reading & voting.
Date uploaded - 18 June 2023
1505 words.

Perfect Marriage ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz