Part 2

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Authors note: This part is the Introduction of my favorite character ever

Matteo's pov

That night my parents were going out of town for a business trip. That meant my sister and I  had the whole house to ourselves, meaning I  could continue my research in a quiet setting. 

I had stayed up later than usual to continue adding Antoinette's case notes to what we already had when I heard that same lullaby the killer always used playing outside my window. I could hear someone humming along with the song. I ignored it thinking it was all in my head until I heard the humming getting closer and closer to my window, at this point I was already extremely paranoid to the point that I ran out of my room shutting the door behind me. 

I ran over to my sister's room to make sure she was alright. When I rushed in I saw her and Blake sitting on her bed watching a movie. I was relieved that they weren't making out and that she was safe of course.  I quickly made sure all my doors and windows were shut as I made my way to my Telephone and called up Tate.

" Tate pick up....pick up, please. I need you" I whispered to myself

" Matteo it's 4 am Why are you calling me right now " He groaned

" Tate, there's someone around my house, I can hear them. I'm terrified right now. I don't know what to do. I'm Buggin' out as we speak. "

" Is there any way you think you can run out of your house ?"

" No chance, there's no way I'm going out there. I'm not insane. "

" Okay, you wait there." He stopped speaking for a moment "I'm running to you now"

" Tate, are you crazy ?!?!"

" I may be, but I'm not leaving you and your sister there in danger. I'm almost there hang tight, don't go anywhere"

" Yeah considering the fact that I'm currently drowning myself in fear I doubt I'll be leaving this spot"

I finally see Tate arrive as I let him in. " Hmm, that's weird the song turned off.... And the humming I can't hear it anymore"

" Maybe there wasn't any humming or music, to begin with, and you are just overthinking this whole situation"

" No Tate I know what I heard... are you starting to doubt everything we have accomplished"

" No... I just think it's time we put this to rest, we couldn't solve this case years ago when we had more information what makes you think we can solve it now"

" Are you seriously backing out now that we know people around me are being targeted ?.... "

" no- well I just think there's no point"

" This is ridiculous... Are you that much of a coward that you are backing out now that you are afraid?"

" You know what, go screw yourself"

Tates pov

I stormed out of Matteo's house with no intention of returning. He was officially insane. As I walked home all I could think of was how Matteo had just yelled at me. He has never gotten close to being mad at me, this made me feel so worthless. Matteo meant everything to me as he was my only friend, the only person I could rely on. I could feel tears running down the side of my face as I heard Matteo calling after me. When I heard his voice I sped up and didn't look back.

Matteo's Pov

I instantly regretted calling Tate a coward but before I could apologize he had rushed out of my house slamming the door behind him. I was about to run after him but I hesitated thinking he wasn't worth it. After a brief second of thinking, I realized he was worth it, he was my best friend. I couldn't live without him, he meant everything to me. I ran as fast as I could to catch up with him as I called out his name. I realized he heard me as he stopped briefly before speeding up even more. I watched him leave as I was left standing all alone feeling awful for what I had said.

What if he was right? Was this even worth it? Was it worth putting more people in danger?

I spent the next few days trying to get a hold of Tate but it was useless, no matter what I tried he just wouldn't talk to me. I had one last chance of talking to him at tonight's dance at the diner. I knew Tate loved going to diner parties to dance. Unlike him, I hated dances; however, I'd only go to make him happy. I changed into some clothes that I thought looked absolutely ridiculous on me, oh the things I did for Tate. I made my way over to the diner with my sister and her boyfriend. Once we got there I went my own way to look for Tate. As I was looking around I saw Tate standing next to some random guy I had never seen

I felt myself become annoyed as I walked up to them 

" Tate I'm so sorry for what I said last time we talked...I didn't mean it. If you want out that's your choice and I won't force you to stay"

" Look Matteo, I'm also sorry. You were right I should've stuck by you especially now that we know you and your sister are in the most danger" " I want to continue investigating with you" 

I smile as I hug Tate. I continue talking to Tate before we get interrupted by the guy he was with

" Hello, I'm Asher. I'm new to town I just moved here" He says while sticking his hand out.

I completely ignore him and continue talking to Tate.

" What a grueler" I think to myself before making sure he knows he's not wanted by pulling Tate aside and getting away from him. 

Tates pov

When I heard there would be a party at the diner I knew I had to go. The day finally came as I put on my best clothes and headed out. When I arrived I bumped into a boy who I had never seen before.

" Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention"

" It's alright I was just walking over to say Hi to you"

" Oh me? "

" I'm Asher ... I recently just moved to this town and I decided to come to my uncle's diner party I heard about not only because I find these Groovy but I was hoping to make new friends"

" No wonder I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Tate Avery" I say with a Smile.

" A dork name for a Dorky looking guy..sweet"

" Dorky?? I'd like to think of myself as a super cool guy" I joked 

" A cool guy wouldn't call himself cool " Asher laughed

We continue talking until I see Matteo come up to us. We both apologize and spend the rest of the night talking before running back to his house. As I ran back home with Matteo all I could think of was Asher ... Something about him just stood out to me. 

Ashers Pov

I walked into the diner party with one intention only, to keep an eye on Tate Avery. I already knew everything about him however the moment I made the mistake of bumping into him I had to make up some bullshit excuse.

 I stayed and talked to him for a while until the second most important person walked into the room, Matteo Rodriguez. I knew something about the killer that they didn't, or at least I thought they didn't. Tate was a total flat leaver for not even saying goodbye before walking off with Matteo. However, I knew Matteo wasn't too fond of me as he made it extremely clear he didn't like me.

 I stayed behind making sure I was watching their every move. As they were just about to leave I quickly pulled out my camera and took a picture of them for my board. I ran out of there before anyone saw me and went back to my uncle's house which I was staying at for the time being. As the night took over and the skies began to darken I hid behind one of the trees in front of Matteo's bedroom window. Through my camera, I could still see Tate hanging out at Matteo's house. If only they knew what I knew. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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