01. mehr

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m e h r

chapter one — Do I look okay to you?

A WARNING would've been nice. Mehr knew how this sounded. Privilege comes to those who work hard in life, and her immigrant father could certainly relay this speech a million times, and Mehr would willingly listen to him every time. However, she refused to use this privilege to her advantage, yet that is exactly how her current predicament looked.

All her life, she's been told to just let fate decide her dreams. Mehr doesn't go with the flow. She is the flow. Her story is one filled with intellect and prosperity, guided by the ways of her family and her feelings; she moves from a place of need and determination.

The brown beauty leaned against the car window, sharp eyes monitoring by-passers, wondering what it would be like to be them right now. "Baba, I still don't agree with this," Mehr pauses, staring right ahead at the car as she could see that they are close to approaching the firm. "I think we should head back. You know how I feel about you helping me."

This has been an ongoing conversation for the past few months, and each and every time, it began with Mehr being unsure of her decision. Becoming a lawyer is not easy, and neither is finding experience in that field. Counting herself lucky is the minimum; her father being one of the best lawyers in New York City is an achievement, a goal that resonated within her from the moment she learned about his career.

Mehr could either find a way, or her family would make one for her. He has always encouraged her to seek honest places where her lungs can breathe, and she can share her truest self with those surrounding her. At times she wondered if contradiction ran in the family.

"Jaanu, how many times do I have to tell you that you have earned this opportunity with your hard-earned work and skills?"

Mehr sighs, twirling a stray strand of her bangs around her finger, resisting the urge to rip the poor threads from her scalp. The doubt in her mind didn't ease as they finally reached the parking lot. Her breath hitches the moment the vehicle halts. "I know, but don't you think this is unfair to the other interns? I could have easily accepted the other offers—"

Mehr felt the shift of the atmosphere as the words came out of her parted mouth; the intensity behind her father's stare was one she hated seeing, depending on the situation. Sensing her apprehensiveness, she felt the warm palm of his hand envelope hers, silently reassuring her. His words echoed in her mind—'You're different. Rare, even. You shall ask for what your heart longs for. Find the courage and choose it.'

"Did you not want to work for the best law firm?"

She blinks. Here we go again. "Yes, but it really doesn't look good for me—"

"Mehr, in this world, nothing is fair. If you have the resources, you should use them. What matters the most is your intentions. Do you want this?"

The answer is on the tip of her tongue; biting down on her lip, she sighed, ultimately surrendering to her father's antics. "I can never win against you, baba. I promise to make you proud."

With one last hopeful glance, she exits the car and heads towards her new workplace. Getting the opportunity to do a paid internship this early on has always been Mehr's priority, whether she did it under her father's firm or elsewhere.

"Hey, are you also an intern?"

A new voice interrupts Mehr's train of thought, making her almond eyes widen in slight shock. The woman in front of her was cute, in a way you would never assume she'd want to be a lawyer. Nevertheless, she was here, and by the looks of it, she was extroverted as well.

Meet-CuteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora