part 1

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Ik some It's my debut here and I'm jungle boys sister and I'm 22 and I'm really close to him if not we could basically be twins but I'm 3 years younger than him and a year younger than my sister where all really close I just still kinda miss my dad because we where a really close family and I'm stuck in the 4 pillars drama my brother a 4pillar my bestfriend Darby is one I'm close with MJF I actually used to hook up with mjf but now where really close friends and wardlow is also a ex but he's not a pillar and I work with the Jericho Association society and Sammy is my ex of 2 years and we have a 1 year old kid his names Jackson me and sammy girlfriend are friends it's cool she dosent care about me and sammy having a kid aka Jackson together and now me and Hook are also best friends and he's now my guy who I hook up with and he was there for everything including my pregnancy and my birth he knows everything about me and I know everything about him and I think I'm in love with him but I think it's better we just have hook ups a few times a day instead of having our strings attached because what if we do date and we break up and it gets wierd and it ruins everything between us and my son Jackson and his bond and I don't wanna do that to either of the boys because there really close to each other and there like father and son and I see hook and Jackson playing together and no me and Hook don't Hook up when my son is awake we do it when he's in bed or when hes in daycare or at Sammy house no I'm not a bad parent but no I don't spoil my kid either and make him do whatever yes I do disaplin him when he dose something wrong Jackson and Hook are still playing and me and Sammy gets here to take Jackson for the weekend giving me and hook some time together and they leave and me and hook go to my room and hook up again and I know that my brother won't like me and Hook still hooking up because he never liked us together or hooking up with each other because Hook is his best friend but idc I never care what jack thought of me and his friends being together

I hope you liked this part hopefully i can make another part sometime maybe soon maybe not//

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