♬ Above Deck ♬

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It was the next day, the dagger was still in your pocket and the sun had rose.

"Viggo and Ryker have decided to move you to the upper deck so that you can't try anything funny down here." A hunter informed you

He opened the cage, you smiled as you got up before beginning to make your way to the upper deck where you'd finally be able to see something that wasn't wood, dragons, bars or pure light.

At least you'd have something else to keep you entertained.

It has been two whole days since you had been caught by the hunters and since you've been on their ship, about to be three if this day kept going on.

You huffed before seeing at least three hunters on the highest part to the ship, you walked up the steps with the two hunters following you before making your way to the other three successfully.

At least if a rescue party was sent for you, you'd be able to see the dragons and the riders so that you'd be able to somewhat help yourself get to them.

Viggo and Ryker were near the end of the ship, where a couple chains and winches were, you sat down on the wood before observing your surroundings incase you needed to make a break for it towards the sea or another part of the boat.

There were at least twenty hunters on the boat, five with you, six with Viggo and Ryker, two on each side near each winch and five in the middle of the boat.

That meant you'd need to get through twenty of them above deck, they all were armed with dragon root arrows or swords which would make it much harder to get past them.

That didn't include the ones below deck watching the dragons.

You began to count the arrows each hunter had.

Five, they were armed with five arrows and one bow.

All were loaded with dragon root which meant if a dragon managed to escape or if a dragon attacked them, there was a low chance it would leave without any scars or scratches.

Unless you're a Skrill, a really skilled Skrill.

You were a human, a human without any way of defending yourself unless you had a weapon or if you had a major advantage.

This was a disadvantage.

A large disadvantage in fact, the five hunters behind you could easily kill you right now and although they'd probably be killed by the other hunters.

Your death wouldn't wound anyones ego, would it?

Hunters were ruthless people and they'd stop at nothing to get a good deal or find something that'd give them a fortune, they were never satisfied when it came to death.

Most were raised like that while others, others were born like that.

You side eyed a hunter who was right beside you before looking up at the sky, help would be coming but you hoped it'd be coming soon.

You weren't going to be cooped up like this for much longer, It'd be the death of you.

If Whipstriker was caught with you, it'd be much worse.

♬ POV Switch ♬

Whipstriker shrieked melodiously as the dragons were pulled farther up ahead towards him, Hiccup held Toothless back as Astrid steered Stormfly away.

"When exactly are these dragons supposed to get used to that song?!" Dagur questioned

"It didn't take Stormfly a while to warm up to Garff! It shouldn't be any different, but I wouldn't count on it!" Astrid shouted

Windshear roared before moving to the middle of the group, Whipstriker was determined to get to you and everyone could see it.

"Doee Stormfly still have the scent?" Hiccup asked

"Yeah! We should be getting close but I wouldn't count on it, those ships move quickly in all this wind, I'm sure Viggo and Ryker know that we're gonna be coming for them soon so they might try to erase their tracks completely!" Astrid replied

"When we find Y/n, I hope that Death Song will stop going so fast! It's making Hookfang look bad!" Snotlout whined

"What a dragon will do for its rider!" Fishlegs exclaimed

Meatlug roared contently before straightening her head in alarm when Whipstriker actually received feedback from something in the distance.

"I think he's got something!" Tuffnut said

"You think?" Ruffnut rolled her eyes

Barf and Belch began to fly higher before the other dragons did so too, it was so they would stay out of sight if a ship is spotted.

"We should be reaching them really soon! You're doing a great job, girl!" Astrid smiled

♬ POV Switch ♬

The dragons on the boats were roaring and they seemed to become disoriented a little, they heard something that no one on the boat did.

Maybe it was Whipstriker? It would explain them wanting to get out of the cages so badly.

There were about five of them on the deck, most likely because there were no space below the deck, they were also dragons that would sell for a hefty price.

Dragons such as Rumblehorns, Speed Stingers and Catastrophic Quaken's.

If those things got lose on the ship, it wouldn't be too good for the hunters, the dragon root arrows will knock them out right after damage it done.

Most likely why there were a bunch of hunters above deck, they needed them to be watched much more than they needed the Deadly Nadder's or the Zippleback's down below.

You looked at the sky, from above the clouds a green and purple tail could be spotted swaying in the air, a tail that could only belong to one type of dragon.

Whipstriker the Death Song.

He had came to rescue you, you needed to make it easier for him to get you immediately.

He couldn't just swoop in, grab you and return to the rest of the riders.

He'd be shot down before he could even get his claws onto you which wasn't too good, you huffed before standing up and staring at all five of the hunters.

What was the plan here?

You had a dagger in your pocket and you knew how to do hand-to-hand combat, they all had bows which meant that they'd most likely take time to actually shoot unless they were quite skilled in archery.

This was going to be quite fun.

Dagur x Reader x Heather (How To Train Your Dragon)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن