Day 11

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Third person POV

"You made me a friendship bracelet?! Stop it, I made you a friendship bracelet!" Priya squealed as she handed Millie a blue and purple friendship bracelet.

"Stop it!" Millie gasped.

"No you stop it!" Priya said as they held hands and jumped up and down.

Gina banged her head on the table.

"Why don't you both stop it?" Julia said followed by some clearly forced laughter.


Julia: friends are a lot like zits. I don't have any, I don't want any, and I definitely don't want to see anybody else with them! Luckily, they're easy to pop!


Julia walked over and picked up Millie's wrist.

"Wow, Priya! You must have put so much work into this, it's beautiful!" she complimented.

"Oh. Um. Thank you." Priya said, clearly not completely convinced.

"And Millie!" Julia said, picking up Priya's wrist "I... guess you didn't have as much time. Or you made it in the dark?"

"Hey, that bracelet's wild, spunky and unique. A good representation of Priya. Nice work Millie." Gina complimented.

"Um, yeah. Definitely." Millie said.

"Thanks Millie!" Priya thanked.


Julia: Ugh. It's so hard to break up nerds. They cling to their friends because they have so few.


Screen cuts to Bowie and Emma sitting at a table. Gina walks over and sits beside Bowie.

"Sooo, you and Chase?" Bowie said to Emma.

"Yeah! Who saw that coming?" Emma giggled.

Bowie forced some laughter "Not me." he said "It's almost like all that time you spent ranting was a big old waste of my time."

Emma giggled "Life sure is funny sometimes!"

"It sure is." Gina said, digging her nails into the table.

Bowie got up and started leaving.

"So stoked for you! Bye!" he said over his shoulder as he left the Mess Hall.

Julia slammed the door shut and walked over to their table before sitting down beside Emma.

"Hey Emma!" she greeted.

"No." Emma replied.

I say noooooooooooooo.

I need to stop with the references.

"No what?" Julia asked innocently.

"No, you can't join my alliance! You're a sixth wheel, and we're rolling you off the island!" Emma said.

"Ooh, nice one." Gina said.

"Harsh. I'm surprised you still have an alliance after what Bowie did." Julia said casually.

"We're not interested in your stupid stories." Gina said firmly.

"Yeah! i don't even care!" Emma said, folding her arms.


Gina: *Counting down on fingers* Three, two, one


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