chapter 24

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I went to my office to grab some paperwork to run the financials of the club. As I got there, I got a call from an associate who wanted to stop by and have a meeting, so I agreed since I was already here.

I texted Grey that Charlotte was outside and if he could just take her for me while I had the meeting. Of course, he agreed.

Mr. Otero, a successful billionaire, wanted to discuss us selling his products at our bar. His products were some of the highest on the market, and very limited. Thankfully everything went well and we were able to come to a 15 million dollar agreement. We shook hands and I showed him out. I grabbed my papers and coat, and made my way out the office.

As I was locking it with my thumbprint, I saw Grey walking towards me.

"Where's Charlotte?" I asked him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"She's in my office. I need to talk to you about something" he told me. I could tell something was up as I could see his vein about to pop.

I nodded and crossed my arms, giving him my full attention. "What's up."

"Charlotte twisted her ankle" He started off. "As I came to get her, Diego grabbed her and dragged her out. As he was trying to get away, she fell hard." He told me seriously.

"Is she okay?" I asked, fire coursing through my veins.

He nodded. "She's in my office. I wrapped it up and put some ice on it. She fell hard on her side, so I think she might have bruised her ribs as well."

I couldn't focus. All I wanted to do was rip that fucker's head off.

"Where is he?" I asked him.

"In the basement"

I smiled cruelly. "I'll pay him a visit later"

We both made our way to Grey's office without missing a step. Everyone who saw us immediately moved out our way, knowing we meant business.

When we got there and opened the door, Charlotte was fast asleep on the couch. Grey and I both made our way over to her. I picked up her ankle and started to unwrap it to see the damage done.

It was purple and swollen. Bruising was apparent all throughout her tiny ankle.

I immediately cringed. A twisted ankle was one of the worst pains ever. Grey and I knew from our boxing days.

"Shit it got so much worse" he muttered as he shook his head, pissed off.

I rewrapped it and put the ice back on gently.

I saw her face twist in pain for a second and then settle, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

I noticed she had her arm around her ribs, which reminded me what Grey said about her falling on her side hard.

I gently moved her arm away and eased her shirt up to see. As I did so, I immediately inhaled a breath.

She did hurt her ribs. Her entire side was red, about to bruise. I palpated to check how manas the swelling was.

Grey gritted his teeth. He went to his freezer and got another ice pack. He wrapped it in a towel and gently held it on her ribs- careful to not add too much pressure.

"If you don't hurt him, I will" Grey said in a low voice.

I brushed some hair from her face. She looked so peaceful.

"He's gonna wish it was you and not me" I told him.

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