Chapter 6: Run Princess, Run

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♪~'Please, call me Artemas'~♪


Lia and I talked for about an hour before she retired to her bedchambers, deciding to sleep and wait for the next morning. Except I didn't want next morning to come.

After what seemed like hours of restless tossing around the bed, I sat up, blinking eyes that had adjusted to the darkness. The Sword of Life was leaning on the door of my wardrobe, placed gently by Lia.

Sighing I slumped back down on my pillow, closing my eyes I again forced myself to fall asleep when I heard it. It was faint, like hissing, but with the silence around me I could make out what the hissing sounds were.

It was voices. So low, but there alright.

And by the different tone volume, it was two people talking to each other.

I tried ignoring it and go back to sleep when I heard my name in their conversation. Trying and failing miserably to not investigate what it is, I gave up and cautiously got off my bed, tiptoeing to my bedroom door and placed my right ear against the door, listening.

"T-the K-King mustn't tell her about t-his," a person with a feathery voice, tremulously said.

"There's no telling what the King may or may not do, and by the things that he's been doing it would seem like there's no stopping him from warning her," a croaky voice replied lowly.

"Then w-what do you su-suggest we do?"

"That's why I wanted us to meet here of all places, you old fool," the croaky voice sounded spiteful. "His curse of a daughter sleeps here, we must kidnap her, and by morning must have her out of the kingdom."

"B-but what if--," now the quavering in the other's voice has increased, "-if-something goes wrong, what if she w-wakes up before we g-got to her?"

"I am right here aren't I," spat the other impatiently. "I can let her fall into a deep sleep and she wouldn't wake for hours."

I slowly stepped away from the door, wanting to get away from the men outside, not seeing what was behind me I had walked straight to the wardrobe knocking the Sword of Life, I watched in horror as the sword fell down, hitting the floor with a loud clatter.

I was aware that the two man outside had stopped talking, and without thinking much I picked up the sword, opened the wardrobe and shut myself inside. Locking the door from within.

I heard my bedroom door, swung open and several footsteps coming inside. Closing my eyes, I listened to the sounds outside, and counted the footsteps that are hurrying in.

Almost 14 men.

'I can't fight off that many.'

I held my breath, daring not to even breath. Holding the sword tightly until the design on the hilt carved into my palm, I waited.

And waited, and waited.

But it seems like the people outside didn't even guessed that there might be someone in the cupboard.

Finally I gave up waiting and placed a hand on the doorknob, turning it slowly as to not alert them. I eyed outside through the small gap I had managed to quietly make.

There was nobody there.

No one at all.

I thinking, that the terror had passed, stepped out of the wardrobe, only to regret it that moment itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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