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Hye-jin massaged the sore spot on her back as she hobbled to the couch. She had been cleaning the house nonstop since the morning. Still gathered in the kitchen counter were the collection of mugs they had built up over the years.

Rin preferred to take his drinks on a single cup until it broke into pieces and she didn't have the energy to keep things in circulation if she's the only one using it. Okaa-san and Kaito weren't mug fans as well. At this point, Hye-jin was left to wonder how in the world they managed to accumulate so many.

She gritted her teeth and hoisted herself up before the couch could claim her completely. Dinner's an hour away and she still needed to cut the vegetables. She sauntered to the kitchen counter and resumed wiping the mugs one by one, trying to remember where they got each one. Her neighbor's birthday party back when she was seven. Her parents' cupboard, from when she first moved out for uni. She just couldn't find it in her to discard the blue and brown mug when she got the apartment with Rin. And now...

She couldn't even use it. It's an old mug so it's bound to fall apart sooner or later. So, it's better to just keep it. For memory's sake.

When she finished putting away all of the mugs in the cabinets beneath the counter, she strode towards the bedroom to get a change of clothes. She's filthy. It would be better to clean up before heading off to cook. That way, she would at least lessen the strain on her hands.

She opened the closet she shared with Rin and pilfered around for her clothes. A black, velvety box caught her eye. What's that? Rin never kept jewelry in the closet. She reached for it and flipped the lid open. Her eyes widened at the sight of a diamond necklace, with the gem cut to be the side of a fingernail.

A hand covered her mouth. What—where did he get this? With what money? How much was it? She looked around for any receipt but, of course, found none. She went back to the box once more. Why was he hiding it in the closet? A quick glance at the calendar on her phone, the reason became apparent.

Ah. Their anniversary. It's this week. Maybe he was looking for the right moment to give it to her? Was this to make up for the game night he missed? Oh, he didn't have to. Still, she couldn't help it. With somewhat a childlike giggle, she whipped out her phone and snapped a picture.

Then, she put it back. Exactly as she found it and where it resided.

A few days later, Hye-jin sat in a cafe with Anette, sipping from her cup and enjoying the cold tang of coffee against her lips. It's been a while since she'd had the time for this brew. "You meant to tell me he hasn't been home since yesterday?" Anette yelled, startling people from at least three tables down. "What do you think he's doing, Jenny?"

Hye-jin shrugged. She didn't really care. She and Rin had agreed to stay out of each other's business when they could afford it. Rin didn't really need to explain himself to her, nor she to him. That's just how they operated. It's not like he was up to something bad.

"Work, probably," she said, to which Anette groaned against her hand.

"You seem quite sure about that," her friend swirled her straw around her icy drink. "What if he's at another woman's house?"

Hye-jin bristled. "He wouldn't do that," she said. "I know him. He couldn't even muster the strength to enter a grocery store. He's not going into some random woman's house."

And it's true. There's no way Rin would do that and the deeper meaning Anette implied with her choice of words. Rin would never cheat on her.

"In fact, he feels guilty about working all the time that he's planning something grand for our anniversary," Hye-jin dug her phone from her tote bag and shoved it into Anette's face as soon as she found the picture. "Look what he's planning to give me."

When Last Night Didn't End: Before Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें