What Anxiety Feels Like

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I woke up feeling like
a bureaucratic leader
only to be arrested for
my charming demeanor

I asked to talk to the boss
and in the awful chaos there
I put my gloves on
sooner than my underwear

I was not permitted
said the boss was tired
soon my own legs carried me
to a senseless trial

I was caught up in a talk
like Ivan Karamazov
in a psychotic episode
it threatened to send me off

I couldn't find my way out
failed to shield my eyes from light
I dropped senseless to the ground
and what began was a fight

nothing but a hindrance
or a wonderful struggle
love, there was an impending
sense of serious trouble

the room trembled in its core
I witnessed some painful shit
I couldn't shake off the panic
even when in my bed I hid

I didn't even get to rest
they dragged me out, hands tied
when they laid me on a rock
I knew my pills fucking lied

the doors of law were closed for me
inquisitor swung his claw
and the sparkle of a knife
was the last thing that I saw

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