BoBoiBoy Galaxy (Season 1) (1)

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I'm just here to drop some old facts. Many of you already know about these.

Note: This is Season 1 of Galaxy only.

The series spent 20 months in production.

24 episodes were completed with a total duration of 7 hours and 29 minutes.

All episodes have a combined view count of more than 700 million views on YouTube. (old analysis)

9 versions of BoBoiBoy were unlocked during the series: Thunderstorm, Lightning, Wind, Fire, Earth, Solar, Light, Water, and Leaf.

73 new characters were introduced.

22 Power Spheres were tracked and protected.

9 foreign locales were visited during the series.

Ochobot opened 11 teleportals.

BoBoiBoy performed 126 transformations.

BoBoiBoy unleashed 69 different attacks.

BoBoiBoy Facts and TriviaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα