Chapter 24: Are you out of you fucking mind Jacob!?

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Seraphina was sitting on the couch between her father and Carlisle, when Bella and Edward entered the room

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Seraphina was sitting on the couch between her father and Carlisle, when Bella and Edward entered the room.

They all stared at the TV, listening as the woman on it updated them on the situation in Seattle.

"It's getting worse." Carlisle sighed, shutting the screen off "We're gonna have to do something."

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting." Jasper informed, remembering his experience from when he was first turned "Quite a few more. And they're undisciplined, conspicuous."

"Newborns." Seraphina said, as she looked sadly at her father.

"What, like new vampires?" Bella quizzed, not quite understanding their titles.

Edward nodded in agreement "In the first few months after the change."

Visions of his last flew past Jasper's eyes.

He eyed Bella before continuing "That's when we're at our most controllable. Vicious... Insane with thirst."

"Something to look forward to." Emmett teased the girl, even though he was 100% serious.

"No ones trained these newborns, but this isn't random." Carlisle's face became one of understanding "Someone's creating an army."

Emmett stood at the thought of a fight, cracking his knuckles before grinning "Well, now we're definitely going to Seattle." he cheered.

Bella's mouth was dropped in shock "An army of vampires?!"

"And they've been created to fight someone." Jasper told them solemnly.

"We're the only clan close to Seattle." Edward didn't understand why the Newborns would come after them.

They were a peaceful group, and they didn't hunt people.

"Why doesn't matter." Carlisle crossed his arms "If we don't stop them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they let it go on this long."

"Unless they're behind it." Edward told them.

That caused them all to go silent.

"In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me, Ina and Alice to join them. He knows we won't choose him with our family still alive."

Jasper glanced at his daughter.

"And an army would fix that." Jasper pointed out.

He was clearly angry with the idea of the Volturi going after Alice and his daughter.

He was going to do anything in his powers to protect them both.

He was going to do anything in his powers to protect them both

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