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I don't know if it is connected with the barrage, after staring at the girl's shining pupils for a few seconds, Ye Ling lowered her eyelids and gently admitted.

Lan Lan was suddenly very happy, she was actually a little apprehensive just now, because the big brother said what feathers, Lan Lan didn't figure out what "0" had to do with feathers.

But fortunately, she still wrote it correctly!

Big brother's name is so simple! I don't know if the younger brother and sister of the big brother are also called Ye Yi, Ye Er, and Ye San.

Lan Lantian thought wildly, and saw that the big brother was wringing the nutrient solution bottle with some effort, she quickly took it to help the big brother twist, and aimed the bottle mouth at the big brother's mouth, and said while feeding: "Big brother, this nutrient solution is not very delicious, if it is too difficult to drink, the big brother has to endure it." " Not

delicious? Ye Ling sniffed the nutrient solution, did not smell a strange smell, and tasted it again, it is not difficult to drink, is it not the taste of normal nutrient solution.

Looking at the label of the bottle, it is a big brand nutrient solution, the taste is already a high-end product, and there is very little astringency and sourness.

Ye Ling said, "It's delicious."
Lan was stunned, and couldn't help but lean in and smell it, it was still that strange sour smell...

How can this be delicious?

Blue blue flat mouth: "No fruity taste."

"Fruity?" Ye Ling was helpless, in the end he was still a child: "The main thing about nutrient solution is nutrients... If you add other seasoning ingredients... It will destroy the pure nutritional values..."

However, I heard that if you use good quality edible fruits and vegetables, if you add nutrient solution, you can retain nutrients and change the taste of nutrient solution.

But generally no one does this, after all, the cost is too expensive.

Because of the mutation and planting, most of the land in the interstellar has alienation, and these lands are not suitable for growing crops, so edible crops are luxury goods in the interstellar.

And it is precisely because of the scarcity of crops that the concept of nutrient solution came into being.

If high-priced crops are added to low-priced nutrient solutions in pursuit of taste, isn't it putting the cart before the horse? Which nutrient solution production company would do this kind of loss-making business?

If you really want to eat fruits and vegetables, just buy ready-made.

Lan Lan listened to her big brother's words, she was a little dazed, so the nutrient solution that Yaya's mother made for her was actually not nutritious?

But every time she eats, she will be very energetic, her stomach will be full, and the puppy will heal faster after eating the wound.

Lan Lan didn't understand these things very well, grunted twice, and stopped talking.

After Ye Ling ate a bottle of nutrient solution, she felt that her energy had recovered a little more.

But his injuries were too serious, so slowly recuperate, how long will it take to recover from action.

Ye Ling turned her gaze to the medical bag in the supply bag: "Lan Lan, look at what is in that bag."

At this time, the light rain outside had begun to get heavier, Lan Lan sat in the middle of the shed, her big brother leaning against the tree trunk on her left, and the puppy sleeping with her belly spread out on her right.

Lan Lan opened the zipper of the medical bag, and there were several bottles of medicine inside, which Lan Lan did not recognize.

Ye Ling's eyes lit up: "There are two bottles of spirit recovery pills!" That's great! Blue blue, black one, give me a drink!
Lan took out the black bottle of potion, opened it and fed it to his big brother.

During the feeding process, Lan Lan smelled some familiar smells.

The names of several Chinese medicines quickly flashed in her mind -

ginseng, angelica, astragalus, ejiao...

Then came the names of some chemicals --

methyl, thienazine, benzodiamine...

Huh, what is chemistry?

Well, why do chemicals mix with Chinese medicine?

Lan Lan's small little brain melon began to confuse again, and her pupils were a little dilated.

After Ye Ling drank a bottle of spirit recovery agent, he only felt that the broken spirit body finally began to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye, he sighed lightly, and when he turned his head, he saw that the little girl next to him seemed to have lost her mind and was in a daze.

"Blue blue? ...... Blue Blue?
calling twice, the little girl reacted, and her eyes widened: "Big brother, what do you say?" Lan Lan didn't hear clearly just now.

Ye Ling frowned: "You... Is it uncomfortable? Are you tired?

A small child, who had just returned from looking for a supply bag outside, climbed up and down to build such a big shed, must be very tired.

Lan Lan was really tired, and she yawned a little: "It's okay, Lan Lan changed the medicine for her big brother and puppy and took a nap."

The little girl seriously changed the medicine for one person and one dog, and then she shrunk into the dog's arms and slept with the puppy in her arms.

The sound of rain outside continued, and Ye Ling looked at the gradually growing rain curtain in front of him, and clenched his fists slightly.

He will get better as soon as possible, he will go to the end of the game, and he will also take this little girl next to him and leave the deadly training ground safely.

"South Eighth District? Cape Te? Are you kidding me? On the express starship that went to Yaxing, Li Wei listened to the trembling and majestic report of the small soldier of the third team, and his originally closed eyes, like a awakened tiger, slowly opened.

The little soldier was so frightened that his whole small body began to shake again: "Team, captain, it was Boss Zhou who called the communication and said, he, he has chased the stop where the little miss got off, and when he went, he found that it was the foot of the mountain in the South Eighth District of Tejiaozhou..."
Yaxing is a mineral planet, and Yaxing's minerals are very rich, so there are many mountains in

Where there are many mountains, it is naturally indispensable to the entrenchment of mutated plants and mutated ferocious beasts, and after the war hundreds of years ago, the entire South Eighth Region of Yaxing has almost become a world of mutated animals and plants.

The central government was reluctant to waste this resource, and simply opened a competitive live training program in the local area - "Deadly Training Ground".

Since then, the entire mountain range of Cape Techu has been divided into the official arena of "Deadly Training Ground".

Probably because of Mu Qiang's psychology, after each broadcast of "Deadly Training Ground", Tejiao Prefecture will usher in a travel fever, and many people specially come from far away to check in and take photos, which once became popular.

Tourism can bring economy, and the Yaxing authorities are naturally happy to see it, so they have opened many bus stations in the South Eighth District, which are overcrowded almost every day during the peak season.

At present, the new "Deadly Training Match" has been broadcast again, and it is conceivable that when this competition is over, the South Eighth District will once again usher in a peak of crowds.

Only now, the tourism fever has not yet begun, and it should still be a barren mountain that is inaccessible to people.

FierceThe murderous gaze swept the face of the little soldier: "You mean, my Lan Lan, one night, entered the South Eighth District alone, and then, so far, there has been no news?" The creep: "..." The

creep felt like he was about to be pierced by the captain's death sight! He is going crazy, their boss Zhou is also a thief, he refuses to call the captain himself, always let him pass on the message, and does not want to think about whether he has a life to pass on!

The little soldier's voice became more and more stuttered: "The bus driver said that he also saw the monitoring to know... It turned out that there was a little girl at the terminal that night... He said that if he saw the little miss, he would definitely not let her get off with a child in such a place..."

Li Wei's eyes became more and more gloomy and dark.

The little soldier was really about to collapse: "Boss Zhou Zhou is leading people to carpet search nearby!" The good news is that there has been no riot in the Tejiaozhou Mountain Range recently, and the various protective nets of "Deadly Training Ground" are also very tight, and there is no situation where the fierce beasts in the scene run down the mountain! Therefore, the little miss should at least not encounter mutated animals..."

Li Qi's blade-like eyebrows pressed fiercely: "This is good news?" The

creep: "..." The

creep is really going to cry! What can he do! He's a microphone! Let him go!

Li Li raised his hand to press the corner of his forehead, he closed his eyelids, and his voice was uncontrollable killing anger: "How long until Yaxing!"

"Three, three hours!"

- It's still raining

When Lan Lan woke up, she held the puppy and stared at the rain outside in a daze.

The sound of "clanging" is the sound of heavy rain hitting the roof of the shed.

Because of the tilt, there is no water on the roof of the shed, but if it continues to rain for a few days, the place where the banana leaves and vines are woven may still be washed away, so the shed will collapse.

Thinking in her heart, Lan Lan yawned again and rubbed her dirty little face on the neck hair of the puppy.

But fortunately, the heavy rain will not fall for long, she has calculated the wind direction and cloud thickness, it should be three days, so the shed can be sustained.

After a while in the dog's arms, Lan Lan finally got up, and almost at the same time that she got up, the boy who was leaning on the side to fake sleep also opened his eyes.

Lan Lan said hello: "Big brother, you are also awake."
she spoke, the little girl rolled up her sleeves at the same time, stretched her little hand out of the shed, and caught a handful of water with both hands.

She rinsed her little hands with cold water, and then began to wash her face again.

The cold water stimulated the hair follicles, and the sleepiness that was still left was all run away in an instant.

Lan Lan hadn't washed her face for two or three days, and after washing her face roughly, she took out the dress with one sleeve removed from her small backpack.

She wiped her face with her clothes, and when she looked up again, her dirty little face instantly became white, and both cheeks were still covered with powder after being irritated by cold water.


【Groove! I actually look like this!

】 [She has always been like a black coal ball before, I actually didn't see that her facial features are so delicate! ]

】 【Aaaaa

Ye Ling didn't expect that after washing the dirt on his face, Lanlan's little face was so beautiful and tender, his fingers were slightly itchy, and he couldn't help but want to pinch the little girl's face.

After Lan Lan wiped her face clean, she began to tidy up her backpack again.

Ye Ling saw the contents of her backpack, and the young man slowly spoke: "Ordinary people rarely carry a change of clothes with them.

His words were a little tentative, speaking of which, after two days, because he was in such a bad state, he didn't find a chance to ask Lan Lan why she appeared in the deadly training ground.

Now seeing that the child actually carried luggage with him, the adult major, who has been fighting for many years, can't help but have some conspiracy theories, she specially entered the training ground with luggage? So what is her purpose?

Lan Lan raised her head, and there was a smile on the little face of the puff: "Because Lan Lan is far away, so you have to bring clothes."

Ye Ling raised his eyebrows: "Far gate?
Lan did not hide it, so she said all her experiences in the past few days: "Mom and dad let Lan Lan come to Yaxing to find someone, but Lan Lan couldn't find anyone, and then Lan Lan met the bloody puppy..."

"Lan Lan wants to send the puppy to the dog mother, so he and the puppy have been looking for the dog mother..."

"What field? Lan Lan doesn't know what training venue it is, why is it here? This woods? Lan Lan doesn't know ah, Lan Lan doesn't know the road in the forest, it's the puppy who leads the way..."

"Where did you meet the puppy?" It's just on the way... Next to the road..."

Ye Ling listened and listened, probably understood, if the little girl didn't lie, then she should have been lost, and then I don't know how to meet the injured Wind Red Wolf, and the Wind Red Wolf accidentally brought her into the arena through the road that others didn't know.

Thinking of her overly close behavior with the red wolf, Ye Ling somewhat believed the little girl's words.

Mutated fierce beast, violent and withdrawn, will not have a good impression of humans, but if Lan Lan saves it, it makes sense to treat the lifesaver closely.

It's just that this also made Ye Ling even more angry: "How old are you, your parents actually let you take a starship alone, across multiple planets to come to Yaxing?" Are they crazy?
Lan hurriedly straightened her small chest and tried to make a name for herself: "Lan Lan is already four years old!" It's a big kid! Lan Lan can take the starship by himself!

[Four years old is also very young!] What parent is so irresponsible!

[So Lan Lan was really entered into the arena by the Wind Red Wolf Pit? It was said before that this wind red wolf was obviously the head wolf who was seriously injured by the prince, and I thought about how it was not dead, it seemed that it was about to die, so I fled outside the arena, and then met the lost Lan Lan and brought Lan Lan in.

【Deadly training ground in and out freely? Protective personnel come out to back the pot!

[In the final analysis, it's still to blame Lanlan's unreliable parents! ] Leaving a four-year-old out alone? This is against the law!

【Not only is it illegal, I suspect that this is simply a deliberate abandonment!】 Quickly find Lan Lan's parents and drag them to jail! Such scum parents must not be spared!


Capital Star went to Ya Xing's starship, and sneezed coldly, he rubbed the tip of his nose and opened himself irritablyYour own light brain.

Ignoring the missed communication that he didn't want to deal with, he clicked on an encrypted number and hesitated to dial it.

When Li Wei left the Death Star, Lan Lan was only half a year old, and a while ago, the man contacted him with encrypted communication, saying that Lan Lan was affected by the alienated land of the Death Star and had physical problems.

Of course, Li Wei wants to take Lan Lan to live by his side, and every time he thinks about Lan Lan over the years, he relies on the video of Lan Lan when he was a child to continue his life!

It's just that his side is not safe, and there are too many people staring at him, so he let his henchman Zhou Hongcai take Lan Lan to live in Wangjiu Alley first.

Who knows, the person is actually gone!

It stands to reason that Lan Lan had an accident, he should have spoken to the Death Star...


At this moment, a piece of news pushed by the star network bounced above Li Yi's light brain.

Li Wei glanced at the title - "Shock! The marshal's eldest son is in danger, and the princess's daughter is in danger, but it is all up to her to turn the tide! Is it a conspiracy of the rebels? Or is it the organizer's strategy? Where should her relationship with Major Ye Ling and Princess Nana go? Click to see the latest explosive point analysis of the deadly training ground..."

"What broken stuff?"

Li Li nodded irritably, did not let this kind of garbage push that deceives traffic, distract himself from the slightest!Torrential rain washed the entire Tri-Cape State Mountain Range.

In the live broadcast room, Ye Ling was still explaining to the little girl that her parents let her go out alone with a child was irresponsible and was not allowed by interstellar law.

Four-year-old Xiaodouding listened to her big brother's righteous indignation in a daze, her short little hands, clutching her head, seemed to be unable to empathize with the teenager's thoughts.

Lan Lan is already old enough to ride a starship alone, and mom and dad can't leave the Death Star.

The warden's father said that if the parents left the death star, they would die, and Lan Lan didn't want his parents to die...

Mom and dad all want to accompany Lan Lan to Yaxing, but they really can't come, when Lan Lan goes out, many parents cry, Lan Lan also cried...

So, why does the big brother keep saying bad things about mom and dad?

Lan Lan puffed out her cheeks and began to be unhappy.

She didn't want to listen to her big brother, her pink and tender little mouth pouted high, Lan Lan turned around, sullenly facing her big brother with her ass!

Ye Ling: "..."

Ye Ling saw that the little girl was angry, and she was a little sarcastic.

Also, although from the outsider's point of view, Lan Lan's parents are very bad, Lan Lan himself must like his parents.

Ye Ling sighed, and could only be appeased with a good temper: "... Isn't it okay if my brother doesn't say it?
Lan turned her head to look at her big brother in distrust, and saw that the big brother really didn't seem to say anything, so she turned back with a hum, and emphasized: "Mom and dad are very good..."

Ye Ling could only be perfunctory: "... If you're happy. Of

course Lan Lan is happy, Lan Lan likes mom and dad very much!

The rain outside was still furious.

After reconciling the big one and the small one, Ye Ling asked Lan Lan some other questions.

But at this time, only listening to the "boom", a huge thunderbolt, accompanied by a flash, slammed into the northeast of the dense forest.

Lan Lan heard the loud noise, and turned her head to look at the sky in the distance.

"Lan Lan, sit in." Ye Ling saw that the little girl was sitting too outside, afraid that she would be frightened, and patted the position beside her: "Thunder is terrible, brother protects you."
Lan blinked her eyes and looked at her big brother puzzled: "Thunder, why is it terrible?"

Ye Ling: "..." Four-year-old

Xiaodouding, who has not reacted to climate phenomena since he was a child, said matter-of-factly: "Thunder is just a cloud in the sky, and after being hit by a positive load, the air is heated and expanded, causing a strong vibration, which is a normal natural phenomenon, not terrible."

Ye Ling: "..."

【Popular Science》

[Poofhahahaha! Lan Lan is not afraid of thunder at all, Major Ye Ling, you are amorous!

】 [I saw that Major Ye Ling secretly opened his arms, he just wanted to take the opportunity to let Lan Lan sit in his arms, he just wanted to stick with Lan Lan! ] This tricky man!

—— Lan
Lan is not afraid of thunder, but she feels wrong.

The little head stretched out outside the canopy again, Lan Lan stared at the sky, and couldn't help muttering: "Strange, shouldn't split over there..."

Judging from the amount of rain and the orientation of the clouds, the thunder should not be split on the ground, it should be dissipated in mid-air, and it will not fall.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ling was puzzled.

"Boom", at this time, another thunder roared, a crackling lightning bolt suspended in the air for half a second, just like just now, the thunder once again fell to the northeast of the dense forest.

"Ugh!" Lan Lan stood up suddenly, her eyes were round, and her little finger pointed to the forest in the northeast direction: "Is there that over there!" That one is detonating? No, if you split that, the air will be broken! The flowers, trees and animals in the forest will die!
Lan didn't care about anything else, reached out and grabbed her straw hat made of banana leaves, put it on her head, and rushed straight out of the canopy!

"Blue Blue!" Ye Ling shouted!

Seeing this, the Feng Chi Wolf, who was originally lying on the ground, was busy to keep up, but was stopped by Lan Lan, who had run halfway, turned his head and shouted: "Puppy dog, you are injured, don't come over, Lan Lan will come back immediately!" The

little girl disappeared into the rain curtain in such a hurry.

The whole live broadcast room exploded.

[With such heavy rain, where is Lan Lan going! ]

[She said there was 'that'?] What 'that', what do you mean!

[No, Lei Du fell over there, she still ran over, what if she was slashed by lightning! ]

】 [I'm not worried about this now, after all, it will take so long to run over, what I'm worried about is that Lan Lan is gone, do you know what this means?]

[Grass, should the man-eating tree be again...]

Ye Ling was sitting under the canopy, and was anxiously shouting at the back of the little girl, when suddenly, a drop of rain fell on his head.

Ye Ling was stunned, and he raised his head.

In the next second, I saw that the canopy that had just been tightly closed suddenly became sparse, the swimming vines no longer routinely shielded the humans below from the wind and rain, and the banana leaves that had lost their support were precariously about to fall...

As soon as Lan Lan left, the cannibal tree canopy went on strike on the spot!

Ye Linglan's eyes were shocked, he couldn't care about anything else, he hurriedly took out all the clothes in the blue and blue small backpack, put half of his clothes on his shoulders, and put half of his clothes on the Wind Red Wolf who was staring at the rain curtain, pacing anxiously, and wanted to rush out at any time.

The miserly vine seemed to feel a familiar breath, and finally settled down temporarily.

They returned to the roof of the shed, and the canopy became impregnable again.

Ye Ling let out a long sigh of relief.

[Deceived, deceived, the cannibal tree did not recognize it! ] It's worthy of you, Major Ye Ling! Wit!

[You just bully man-eating trees without eyes, hum.]

[I want to know where Lan Lan went, it's hateful, why can't I open a separate live broadcast room for Lan Lan, if I want to see Lan Lan, I can only peek from someone else's live broadcast room! ] Wronged me to death!

While speaking, the audience searched for Lan Lan in various live broadcast rooms.

Ten minutes later, someone finally found it!

[Report! Watch the Lake Live Room! Blue Blue in the Lake Live Broadcast Room!

Above the cliff where the rain is
pouring, a huge black python is walking in the trees.

It "hissed" and spat letters, seven inches in part, and a short sword was inserted.

In front of it, three contestants are dying supporting each other.

They were originally five people, but just now, two teammates couldn't bear it and withdrew.

The battle situation just now was very dangerous, and a second before the two teammates pressed the withdrawal button, they were almost bitten off by the black python's poisonous teeth.

Fortunately, the withdrawal was timely, and the moment the button was pressed, a 3S mech popped up in the watch-style special light brain.

The mecha is a super intelligent mecha set in advance, and the mecha from appearing, to protecting the contestants, to activating the weapon box, the entire mecha flew into the sky and left the arena, the whole process was less than 0.01 second.

The black python bit into the air, and the two contestants survived.

But the other three contestants were still on the scene, and they did not choose to withdraw from the competition, believing that they still had the ability to fight.

However, when he saw that there were other people walking over in the distance, that kind of certainty began to waver.

Especially the person who came over is not a good person.

"Shh." A frivolous whistle came from outside the battle circle.

Lake scratched his hooked nose, and he was wearing a protective raincoat with a hood, which he had found at a certain supply point, not only waterproof but also warm, it was simply a first-class equipment for climate training.

He hugged his chest with his hands loosely, leaning against a big tree, and looked like he was watching a good show: "Hey, you three can't fight in the end, do it, the seven inches of the python in the blood have been stabbed by you, isn't this a ready-made trophy, don't want this?"

Lake looked at the lively arch fire.

His words made the three people in the distance pale.

The five of them were originally looking for a place to shelter from the rain, but somehow they met the blood python that should not have been in this weather, and was still wandering outside, and after a fight, both sides had losses, but obviously, the blood python's injuries were more serious than theirs.

Now that two of them are gone, although there are only three left, they are confident that they can grind the blood python to death.

But at this time, there was a tumor waiting to pick up leaks at any time.

Leike people, I believe that people who pay attention to the deadly training ground, no one does not know.

This is not the first time Lake has competed, he has participated once before, and in that competition, his bad and greedy character has been exposed.

Falling into the well, taking advantage of the fire to rob, betraying teammates, taking the sheep by the hand, in short, how rotten, how did he come, if it were not for the rules in the arena that you cannot attack other contestants, this Lake would have been killed by other contestants joining forces!

And now, this garbage is obviously fancying them, just waiting for them to lose both with the blood python, and then he will clean up the mess.

The three looked at each other, and the heavy rain poured on them, drenching them like three falling soup chickens.


They obviously don't want to fight anymore, but, can the blood python let them go?

"Hiss, hiss..." the blood-red letter of the blood python spit out, its pair of gloomy beast pupils, looking at the three people over there, its pupils were full of killing intent.

The snake revenge, the three of them know, can only not die.

"Hit it." One of the three exhaled and moved his arm.

Because they didn't find mecha materials, none of the three of them could fight with mecha, so they could only fight naked.

"It doesn't feel like I can beat it."

"Then you can only fight!"

"What about that mongrel of Lake?"

"I'll hit the vanguard in a while, Su Ming, you assist me, Ding Zhi if you don't move, you just stare at Lake, don't let him get close to us."

"Hey, okay..."
allocating the personnel, the leading boy plans to do it...

"Boom." As if to set the atmosphere, a thunder flashed in the sky again.

The thunder fell into the woods below the cliff, but no one present, including the python, was distracted to glance down.

The double-edged sword in the hands of the trio glowed with cold light, the huge mouth covered with sharp teeth in the blood, and the snake letter shrugged...

The moment when the two sides are about to fight each other...

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, a childish and soft child's voice came coldly from the position halfway up the cliff.

The unfamiliar voice, the unfamiliar tone, made everyone present stunned.

The trio looked up in amazement, but after seeing who was running towards them, the three almost thought they were dreaming.

What is that, a... Two little whimpering, little girl?

Lake also heard the voice, he was very irritable, finally waited until the fight, was actually interrupted, he turned his head in annoyance, just to see who broke his good deeds, the next second, Lake was also stunned.

"This is ... What's the situation? In

the deadly training ground, where is a little fart boy?

The straw hat on the blue and blue head had long been blown out, and she stumbled towards the cliff, waving in the direction of Lake as she ran: "Be careful!"

Lake looked around, and after making sure that the child was actually talking to himself, he pointed to his nose: "Me?
Lan was a little anxious, and she waved her small hand even more vigorously: "Go!" Let's go! There you go!

Lake didn't know why: "I'll go..."


Another huge thunder fell.

The lightning struck the trunk of the large tree where Lake was standing.

Then, with a "pop", Lake under the tree exploded, and the whole person was slashed out by lightning.The change happened too quickly, and the whole world seemed to fall silent for a moment.

Even the barrage stood still ...

Until, the sound of "bang" is the muffled sound made by the human body after being blown into the sky and then falling to the ground.

This muffled sound is not obvious in the sound of the rain, but it is so deafening to everyone's ears!

Silence still spreads in the air...

"Ugh!" What finally broke the silence was the little girl's frightened cry.

Lan Lan hurriedly ran to the uncle who was struck by lightning, the rain wet her whole little face, she ran to her uncle, and saw that the uncle's whole person was scorched black, and white smoke was still coming out of his mouth.

Lan Lan was a little frightened, she squatted down and carefully stretched out her fingers...

"Don't touch him!" On the other side, the leading boy in the trio suddenly shouted.

Lan Lan was startled, quickly retracted his small hand, and looked over there with a face full of horror.

The lead boy threw his weapon to his companion, and he ran quickly and pulled the ignorant little girl behind him.

Glancing at the half-dead Lake on the ground, his eyes were cold: "He still has electricity on him, you don't want to live when you touch him?"
Lan was protected by this unknown brother, but she was still worried, and her little finger pointed at her uncle on the ground: "But, this uncle... It's smoking..."
leading boy looked indifferent: "It's just smoke, it's not dead." Such

a good protective suit, it is strange to die.

Lan Lan made a bitter face: "He, he still shed a lot of blood..."
lead boy pulled the little girl farther: "Yes, he is bleeding, you still come up, dirty blood splashes on you, your hands will rot!"
Blue: "!!! What

! Will rot!

Lan Lan quickly put both small hands behind her back!

"Xu Yue, you hurry back!" On the other side, the other two in the trio are surrounding the blood python one left and one right, the blood python is now extremely restless, and the two urgently need the support of their teammates!

The leading boy, that is, Xu Yue, busily said to the little girl next to him: "You stay away from this person, no, you stay away from us, I don't know who you are and where you came from, but it's dangerous here, you hurry up!"
that, Xu Yue also pushed the little girl, then picked up the material bag that Lake dropped on the ground, turned around and ran towards his companion.

Xu Yue opened the supply bag while running, he wanted to see if Lake had any advanced equipment, but found that the material bag was actually locked.

Wow! It is actually a precious material bag, except for the owner, no one else can open it, and it can't be damaged!

It's another top-level protective suit, and another top-level material package, this Lake doesn't know how many people have been harmed to get so many superb equipment!

Irritably throwing the material bag on the ground, Xu Yue took back his double-edged sword and set up a posture, intending to work with his companions to kill this bloody python first!

Who knew that at this moment, he suddenly bumped into something behind his back.

"Ouch." Lan Lan didn't expect her brother in front of her to stop suddenly, her head hit her brother's thigh, and the little girl "snapped" because of inertia, and sat on the ground with her butt.

As soon as Xu Yue turned his head, he saw that the little girl actually followed, and his eyes were round: "What are you running for!"
Lan rubbed his forehead, and his little finger pointed at the manic black python in front of him: "Lan Lan, Lan Lan saw this..."

"You see the blood python coming back!" Xu Yue lifted the little girl up with one hand and was about to throw it back, but at this moment, the giant python in front of him suddenly became difficult!

The blood basin opened its mouth, the blood python roared, and its thick tail slapped forward, smashing heavily towards Xu Yue's head.

The two companions moved their hands towards the blood python at the same time.

Xu Yue almost subconsciously hugged the little girl in his arms, he hugged the little girl and rolled over, but the snake tail still hit his shoulder, he was half paralyzed, the whole person fell to the ground, "click", he heard the sound of his shoulder bone shattering!

Xu Yue gritted his teeth.

His right hand could not move, and the weapon fell to the ground, but his left hand still held the little girl tightly.

[Lying groove, I'm a fan of Xu Yue, who is this little girl! ] I'm going to be! Does she want to kill Xu Yue!

】 [If it weren't for saving her, Xu Yue wouldn't have been hurt! ] He is obviously the kind of strong person who can go to the end! It's over now!

【No, I'm going to cry!】 I can't beat it now! I'm so unwilling!

"Xu Yue! You okay! The two companions saw that Xu Yue was injured and immediately accelerated their attack, their attack attracted the attention of the blood python, which was entangled by the other two and could not mend the human who had been knocked down by it, and soon, several cuts were made on its body.

Blood accompanied by the neighing of the python, fierce and fierce.

"Bang!" The blood python flicked its tail again, and it hit one of its two companions, Ding Jue.

Ding never dodged this blow, only listened to the sound of "Hmm", his sternum shook, and a mouthful of blood spewed out!

"Ding Due!" Su Ming shouted!

Xu Yue let go of the little girl in his arms, he picked up the weapon with his left hand, and was about to rush into the battle.

Only to find that there is a figure faster than him!

After the giant python smashed this human being, its slippery body turned, its huge mouth opened, and it was about to devour it immediately.

Its sharp teeth are filled with venom, and with a gentle combination, it can tear this human in half and swallow it into its throat!

Su Ming wanted to rush over and stab the giant python's eyes, but was thrown by the giant python and flew out.

The moment he fell to the ground, Su Ming only had time to shout: "Ding Due, withdraw from the competition!" Ding

Jue is indeed ready to withdraw from the competition, his body is now in pain like it is about to explode, the smell of rust fills his throat, he lies on the ground, his right hand is embarrassed towards his left hand, the moment he touches the light brain, he is just about to press the button...

Between the electric flint, a wet and immature figure suddenly rushed in front of him.

The girl's thin arms opened without hesitation, her white and tender jaw raised, and her dark eyes faced the black python that was only a few inches away from her.

She didn't seem to know what a ridiculous thing she was doing, so she settled there, blocking all the python's attacks on the man behind her.

The world seemed to freeze at this moment.

The rumbling thunder, accompanied by heavy rain, continued.

Lan Lan's red-haired eyes looked at the big mouth of the giant python above, that mouth had been pressed down, Lan Lan only felt that there was darkness in front of her eyes, and then, she smelledWhen it comes to snakes' mouths, the sticky fishy smell.

It was the snake's mouth that wrapped her body...

[Groove! ] Lan Lan was eaten by the blood python!

【Ahhhhhhh Oh my god! Isn't she crazy!

[She protected Ding Zhi? As a fan of Ding Jue, I was originally angry that she hurt Xu Yue just now, but she actually protected Ding Jue...]

[No, I can't accept it! ] Blue can't die! Blue Blue! Blue Blue! My blue... Huh?
Before the
barrage could cry for the little girl, the next second, the huge head of the giant python suddenly retreated.

As the snake head retreated, I saw that on the lawn in front of me, the petite and stubborn little girl was still standing there.

"Roar!" The giant python roared angrily at the little girl, its voice was full of anger and pain, and the majestic rain reflected its scarlet snake pupils particularly hideously.

Lan Lan smelled the sticky fishy smell again, and her dark eyes looked back and saw the half of the sword inserted in the little snake snake.

The sharp sword pierced almost its entire body, and after counting, it should be seven inches from it.

Seven inches is the lifeblood of the snake.

"You're in pain, aren't you? It's okay, Blue Blue helps you.

The little girl reached out and wiped her face, and she quickly ran to the back of the python, close to the python's fatal wound.

The python immediately flicked its tail to flee.

But as soon as it moved, its body died of pain, and its tail began to twitch uncontrollably, and the feeling of pain that it was about to lose its last breath made it panic.

It doesn't want to die!

Survival is in the nature of all animals! It doesn't want to die!

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Lan Lan will be gently, it will definitely be gent."

The little girl stood in front of that huge wound, she held the hilt of the sword above, and with all her strength, she pulled it out fiercely!

With a "poof", the sword was pulled out, blood sprayed into the air, and the giant python smashed its tail heavily to the ground in pain!

"Can't smash, can't smash!" Lan Lan threw away the sword and quickly hugged the tail of the snake: "It will aggravate the injury, you can't move, you must quickly bandage it!"
Lan began to look around for medicine.

Xu Yue, who had already run over to help Su Ming and Ding Jue up, looked at this little girl's hurried and panicked appearance, and was simply confused.

He looked at his companion again.

The two companions were equally overwhelmed.

What's going on with this little girl? How did he make it look like a blood python?

"There, there's grass there!" Lan Lan suddenly stood up and ran towards the cliff in front of her, a tuft of weeds grew on the edge of the cliff, she pulled out a handful of weeds, picked up a stone by the way, ran back to the giant python and began to work.

The next scene made the scarred trio even more unacceptable.

This little girl actually smashed the weeds and then filled the wounds of the giant python.

The giant python moved uncomfortably, and from time to time he turned around and yelled at the little girl.

The little girl did not raise her head the whole time, she was so busy that her eyes entered the water and she only hurriedly wiped her sleeve and continued to work.

Soon after, the giant python seemed to finally settle down, its strong head finally slowly slipped down, its head was close to the ground, its body coiled in a circle, the snake letter spit out casually, and the tip of its tongue licked the back of the little girl's hand several times.

And every time she was licked by it, the little girl would take the time to touch the smooth and greasy brain door of the python, as if to appease it.

Trio: "..." They

didn't understand, but they were shocked!

What the hell is this?

After the python's wounds were filled with herbs, Lan Lan washed her little hands with rain and stood up.

She looked at the trio behind her, and finally picked up the remaining grass on the ground and ran over.

The giant python, who had just settled down, immediately raised its head when she saw the little girl leave, and screamed viciously.

Lan Lan turned his head and instructed seriously: "You can't get up, the medicine will fall, you have to lie down!" The

python can't understand people, but it can sense the emotions of other creatures, it senses that the human cub seems to be angry, it swims its body a little irritably, and angrily falls back to the ground.

Trio: "???
Lan stopped in front of the trio, grabbed their hands and began to check.

After determining that they had internal and external injuries, she first treated them with external injuries.

The trio were stunned, they watched the little girl start to smash some grass mud again, Su Ming's family is a pharmacy company, he picked up the weed and sniffed it, his expression changed: "It's hemostatic grass, but the smell is so strong..."

Generally, the stronger the smell of hemostatic grass, the higher the medicinal content that can be extracted.

Su Ming stared at this hemostatic grass repeatedly, is this a hemostatic grass? How could normal hemostatic herbs have such high medicinal value?

Lan Lan got some grass mud again, and then took a brother's hand, and she explained
while medicating the brother's wound:
"The little snake snake didn't mean to fight, the thunder in the sky is not right, the little snake snake knows that the place where it lives will be struck by lightning, so it escaped from the house, and the little snake snake on the run will not take the initiative to hurt people..."

Lan Lan said this, quietly glanced at the three big brothers in front of him, and muttered in a small voice: "It must be someone who hit it first, and it will fight back... You still want to kill it..."
Trio: "..."

are you to blame on them? Who saw the sudden appearance of the blood python and was not scared to start immediately?

Xu Yue frowned again: "You mean, you can communicate with the python?"

"Can't." Lan Lan felt that this big brother was so strange: "People and snakes are two animals, and they cannot communicate."

Ding Zhi covered his chest, and his breath was a little weak: "Then how do you know that it is... Desertion?
Lan nodded the tip of his little nose: "Lan Lan smelled, the body of the little snake snake has the smell of 'that', it just came out of the place where there is 'that', so it must want to escape..." <B1226>
"That?" The three were puzzled.

Lan Lan lowered her head again and continued to bandage them, while saying: "'That' has many names, and one of them is easy to remember, called 'alienated pathogen'. Alienated

pathogens, a very bad, bad ore, once exploded, the air released will destroy all living organisms in the vicinity.

There is this "alienated pathogen" in the death star, and Lan Lan is familiar with that smell.

The warden's father also told Lan Lan specifically, saying that the reason why the death star became the death star was because the death star had a mine containing "alienated pathogens", and one day, that mine was detonated by lightning.

Then, the source gas came out, and then the whole planet was poisoned!

The current Death Star has become a planet that is below the 3s level creature and cannot survive.

Because once the lower creatures enter the death star, they will be infected by the poisonous air and die violently.

Lower plants, too, will instantly wither into ashes!

Thinking of the perennial black mist in the death star, Lan Lan sighed again, and she said

to the three brothers in front of her very seriously "Lan Lan doesn't want the flowers, trees and small animals in the forest to die, so Lan Lan definitely can't let the lightning detonate that thing!" If Lan Lan guessed correctly, the mountain we are stepping on now is where the bad thing is hidden... That's why Lei keeps chopping here, and Lei wants to split this mountain... I accidentally struck the smoking uncle over there. "

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