[1.6] Disrupted

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Hobie stood in front of Marina, holding her shoulders as he stared at her worriedly. "Mari, can you hear me, luv?"

Marina took a sharp breath, and stared down on their feet. She refused to meet Hobie's eyes, fearing that the moment she sees guilt in his eyes, she might burst into tears once again. "Look... Hobie, I can't —" She shut her eyes closed for a moment, lips quivering. "I can't really... talk about this right now. I have to go."

His grip tightened on her shoulders, and Hobie pulled Marina into a tight hug. She didn't know if it was meant to comfort her, but nothing could possibly make her feel better at the moment. Her ex just passed away, and Marina knew that somehow — at the end of the day, it was meant to happen.

The stupid fucking Spiderverse, all the stupid fucking canon events, and the stupid fucking fate of the universe.

Instead of returning his hug, Marina gently pushed Hobie away. "I have to go, Hobie." She weakly said. "M'not leavin' you alone, Mari." He said sternly, but Marina knew that he was just worried about her.

"Hobie." Her voice no longer came out as gentle, and Marina now sounded angry. "I need to be alone. Can you — can you not understand that?" She hissed before walking away with her head down. Hobie's arms fell to his side, watching Marina walk away with a sorry look on his face.

Suddenly, his bracelet lit up, and it seemed like there was a problem in Pavitr's Earth. He glanced back at Marina, letting out a sigh before opening a portal to Earth-50101.



Hobie yelled, running towards his friends who are struggling to break through a barrier. Pulling his guitar from his back, Hobie strung a cord, and immediately broke the wall. Gwen and Pavitr watched him in awe, but Miles? Not so much.

"Hobie!" Gwen exclaimed. "Hobie, my guy!" Pavitr rushed towards his friend, the both of them doing their signature handshake with big smiles. "Man-like Pav! Big-stepper!" Hobie grinned.

Miles turned to Gwen, confused. "What's this dude saying?"

"It's English for 'we get along great, and we're close friends!" Pavitr answered. "Is this the other one from 1610?" Hobie asked, pointing at Miles. "Your suit, are you bleeding from your armpits?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Miles, Hobie. Hobie, Miles!" Gwen introduced her two friends to each other, swinging around. "Hi. I've never heard of becauseGwen barely ever mentions you." Miles stated dryly. "Oh, the younger from 1610!" Hobie says, and Miles glances between the two of them. Gwen told Hobie about him?

"Wait — Where's Marina?" Gwen looked around. Hobie seemed to tense at the mention of her name, and shook his head. "Boss is busy." He shrugged. All four of them tried to attack The Spot, but ended up failing and falling on top of each other.

"You and me... We're finally gonna live up to our potential. You'll finally have a villain worth fighting, and I won't be just a joke to you!" Spot said, slowly walking towards Miles. The collider starts, sending the other three Spiderpeople back.

Spot is slowly sucked into the collider, but Miles shoots a web at Spot to stop him. "You're not a joke! Right, gang?" Miles glances behind him.


"Completely unamusing!"

"I don't believe in comedy!"

"...Just kidding!"

Miles turns to Spot. "See? No one here thinks you're a joke!" He yells, and The Spot slowly raises his hands. "They won't after this." He snips the string of web, all the Spiderpeople being sent back. "NO!"

The Spot enters the collider, and for a second, everything is quiet. "Well, that was another adventure for Spiderman." Pavitr says, placing his hands on his hips. The others quickly shake their head, before being thrown back — AGAIN, as the collider explodes.

All four of them rush out the building as it collapses. Once they reach outside, they see a part of the Alchemax building breaking. They glance at each other, and just as Miles opens his mouth to say something — a familiar voice speaks up behind them.

"What happened in here?" Marina says, a portal closing behind her. They all look back, eyes lighting up at the sight of their friend.

"Marina!" Gwen and Pavitr says, happily. "Marina?" Hobie furrows his eyebrows, "Luv — you're not supposed to..." Marina shakes her head at Hobie, cutting him off. Walking to the railings, Marina's eyes widen as the part of the building slowly falls.

Hobie stares at Marina, feeling both worried and irritated. She was supposed to be resting and mourning properly.

She turns to Gwen and Hobie, a sudden wave of confidence rushing through Marina's veins as she spoke up. "You two slow down the building, while the rest of us clear the path." She said, quickly jumping off and swinging around.

"Woah." Gwen whispered, before following Marina's orders. "I was about to say that." Miles groaned, following along.

Marina swings towards the panicked people, and hears a loud cry. Turning her head to the source, she spots a kid hanging on a ledge for his dear life. Quickly swinging towards him, she picks him up and takes him somewhere safe. "You're okay. You're safe now." She softly tells him as the kid cries harder.

Looking behind her, she sees Gwen and Hobie trying their best to hold the building. Pavitr and Miles are swinging around, trying to help people get away from danger as quickly as possible.

Almost in sync, their spider senses go crazy as the webs Hobie and Gwen created snap, and the building starts falling. Marina, Pavitr, and Miles nod at each other as they rush to the other people.

Grabbing as many people she can, Marina runs and jumps off a building. Pavitr catches them, wrapping them in a string of webs and helping them down on top of a safe building. The building starts falling to a bridge, and all the Spiderpeople quickly rush to help everyone off the bridge.

Pavitr spots a falling bus, and sees his girlfriend inside, banging on the window. "Gayatri!" He exclaims, shooting a web towards the bus.

Miles spots Inspector Singh with a little girl, falling debris about to drop on them. He jumps to save them, until Gwen holds his wrist. "No — Miles, it's too dangerous!" She exclaims. Miles gives her a reassuring smile through the mask, "I got it. Thread the needle, ring the bell, right?" He says before jumping off to help.

Gwen gasps, holding out to Miles. "No!"

Marina, Hobie, and Gwen latch onto a building as the building falls onto the bridge. Seeing no sight of Miles, Gwen quickly rushes to the bridge and looks for her friend. Marina and Hobie spots Pavitr struggling to hold onto a bus, and rushes to help him.

As they successfully pull the bus up and safely, Pavitr rushes to check on his girlfriend, who was so confused that THE Spiderman suddenly hugged her. Hobie turns to Marina, about to say something before she walks away to Gwen. "Is she avoidin' me?" He mutters to himself.

"Miles! No, no please." Gwen panics, rummaging through the debris as she looks for him. She finds Miles holding a pillar up above him as he shields the little girl. Marina and Gwen help him, pushing the pillar away, as the blonde lets out a sigh of relief. "You're alright!"

Inspector Singh stands up from the ground, giving the other three a thankful smile. Gwen and Marina glances at each other, a panicked look on their faces. Shit.

Gayatri runs towards her dad, the both of them hugging tightly. Gwen stares at Miles who was carrying the little girl in his arms, surprised. "Not bad, huh?" He tilts his head. Marina sighs, and her bracelet — including Gwen's, light up.

"Sure... not bad." Marina mutters.



𝐏𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐋𝐄, 𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻¹Where stories live. Discover now