15 Please

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Lilliana's POV

I wake up with a banging headache and pain in my stomach.

I try to talk but can't and I see that I have a gag in my mouth. I try to move my hands but it's tied.

My hands and legs are tied with rope and it's tight.

I scream for help but it comes out muffled.

After a few minutes the gag comes out of  my mother and lands on the floor with a bit of my saliva.

"HELP PLEASE,PLEASE. DAMON. DANTE, DAD PLEASE HELP ME" I shouted and it echoes throught the cell.

After a few seconds there is still no one.

I start to think, 'where is Damon? Will he come and get me? Why am I here?  Who took me?'

"Someone please help , help me please. " I try to shout but I no longer could.

My throat hurts from the shouting I did before.

I just stay quiet and wait for someone.

2 Hours later

I think it's been 2 hours and I hear some keys jiggling from the door.

In then came a man who looked to be about 50 .

He is well built like dad, has a scar on his face near he eye, in a black suit and has grey but black hair.

" looks like your awake my precious baby" he says and I mentally take a note to listen when he speaks another language like Russian.

He has a Russian accent and he looks like a Russian.

"Please let me go. Please I'll do anything please sir" I plead but he doesn't listen.

"ты никуда не пойдешь, детка. Ты останешься со мной, пока твоя гребаная семья не сдаст твою гребаную мафию." He says in Russia .

(your not going anywhere baby. You will be staying with me till your fucking family hand over their fucking mafia)

My eyes widened when he says the word 'mafia'

My family is part of the, mafia as in they are the Italian mafia.

"Do you know Russian? " he questions and I immediately shake my head no and he just nods. .

"What are you going to do to me " and he just shakes his head then responds with.

"я собираюсь убить тебя"
(I'm going to kill you).

"What? " I ask confused but I'm not actually confused and I'm screaming inside.

"I'm going to torture you and your family as well. " he replys with a laughs at the end.

"Wh-what do you-you mean to-tor-torture me " I stuttered out.

He slowly walked towards a table out the cell and grabs a dagger along with a lighter.

He goes out the room and then came back in but he wasn't alone as he had brought some guards.

"What-what are you go-going to do? " I said scared of what's happing.

"Nothing baby , I'm just going to add some marks" I get scared of what kind of marks he's going to put on me.

He stalks towards me whilst he spins the dagger around his finger and one guard holding a camera and the other holding the lighter.

"Look how clean this soft small face is" he says while sliding the dagger against my cheek and cutting it deaply.

Whilst sliding the dagger against my cheek the guard that had the camera  started to record me.

"Do you want to know my name красивый? " (beautiful) I nodded to his question.

"My name is Nikolai " I nodded and he stabbed the dagger in my right arm.

I scream out in pain and he just again slides the dagger deeper on my face.

"Shhh shhh baby, your really loud and I bet your family is annoyed and can't hear you. Even my guards ears are probably bleeding. " he says and then gets the lighter and starts burning my wound on my arm.

I again scream in excruciating pain.

Once he's done he turns to the camera and says
"I'd you want her back, you'll have to hand over your mafia and everything you have or else she's dead"

I scream and shake my head no while saying in Italian
"no no no per favore lasciami andare"
(no dont no. please let me go )

"Shut up bitch" Nikolai shout at me and I flinch in pain.

He comes forward and slaps my injured cheek.

I yell out in pain and plead him"please just let me go, please I didnt do anything please "

He just goes to the camera and says "you've got limited time Rossi " then turns the camera off.

He then come back to me and gets out the dagger from his back pocket which he put away when he slapped me.

"How about we have sometime to are selfs" he ask while cutting my jaw and lightly kissing it.

He gets a bit of blood on his lips and what he does next makes my eyes widened

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