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Birdie wakes up in the morning, the soft rays of California sunshine peeking through the curtains and painting the room in a warm glow. As she stretches, she realizes she is alone in the apartment. Bob is back at Top Gun for a top-secret mission, leaving her by herself most of the time. The realization causes a mix of emotions to wash over her — a combination of longing for his presence and a determination to make the most of her time while he's away.

With a sense of purpose, Birdie throws back the covers and gets out of bed. She takes a moment to savor the quietude, relishing the opportunity to have some time to herself. As she pads barefoot into the living room, the familiar strains of country music fill the air, lifting her spirits and infusing the apartment with a cheerful energy.

Birdie surveys the space, her eyes landing on the remnants of yesterday's activities scattered about. She decides it's time to tidy up, to make the apartment a cozy sanctuary where Bob can find solace when he returns from his demanding days.

She gathers stray items and places them in their designated spots. The living room is soon cleared of clutter, the pillows fluffed, and the blankets neatly folded. The kitchen receives her attention next as she wipes down countertops, washes dishes, and organizes the pantry. The act of cleaning becomes a cathartic ritual, a way for Birdie to channel her love and care into the space they share.

As she moves through the apartment, a sense of Bob's presence lingers in every corner. His Naval Aviator wings on the bookshelf, the flight jacket hanging by the door.

Hours pass as Birdie loses herself in the rhythm of her tasks. The music plays on, serving as a melodic backdrop to her efforts. She dances and sings along, her voice intertwining with the twang of guitars and heartfelt lyrics. The music becomes a companion, a source of comfort and inspiration as she goes about her work.

As the afternoon fades into evening, the apartment begins to emanate a welcoming ambiance. The scent of a home-cooked meal wafts from the kitchen, filling the air with mouthwatering aromas. Birdie has prepared one of Bob's favorite dishes, a Southern-inspired comfort food that she knows will bring him a sense of comfort and ease.

Just as Birdie places the finishing touches on the table, the sound of the front door opening interrupts her thoughts. Her heart leaps with joy as Bob walks in, exhaustion etched on his face, but a spark of delight in his eyes when he sees the scene before him.

"Hey there," Birdie greets him, her voice filled with love and tenderness, "Welcome home, Lieutenant."

Bob's fatigue melts away as he takes in the sight before him. The dimmed lights, the inviting table set for two, and the delicious aroma that fills the air all serve as a balm to his weary soul. He strides toward Birdie, enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"Thank you, darlin'," He murmurs against her hair, "You've made this place feel like a true home."

Birdie pulls back slightly, her hands resting on his chest as she gazes up at him, her eyes shining with love.

"Home is wherever you are," She whispers, her voice filled with devotion, "I just wanted to make it a little cozier for you."

Bob's lips curl into a tender smile as he brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. He is filled with gratitude for this remarkable woman who has dedicated her time and energy to creating a haven for him. In that moment, he realizes the depth of their love and the beauty of their partnership.

As they sit down to dinner, Birdie and Bob share not only a meal but also stories of their day. Their laughter fills the apartment, carrying with it a sense of warmth and connection. They savor the food, relishing in the flavors that speak of home and the love that has blossomed between them.

Wings | Bob FloydWhere stories live. Discover now