Prologue: Heavenly Princess, dead or alive?

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Let me make this short and quick cause I can guess from yalls question:

This book is my first Poly relationship. YES THERES THREESOME.

Warning: This fanfic starts after Banyue Arc. Spoiler warning ahead.

Please excuse my grammar, errors, spelling mistakes and imperfections in my stories. English is not my mother language. If you want to know my nationality, i posted it in my "Info about the Author" part. There's a short intro about myself (It's not Q&A)

"Why did you make the reader Genderfluid?"
Because i want this book to be a practice and starting point for writing male readers. I write fem readers fluently while practicing on male readers because the reader can switch. The very first concept is that i wanted the reader to be full male, but since i still lack the ability to write a male reader, genderfluid came to my mind. It's also my first unique story since my previous stories are all fem readers. I hope people will understand.

"How does reader's genderfluid self work in this fanfic? Why is she/he genderfluid in lore?"
She's like Ling Wen. Biologically a woman but can switch to a male form. The reason why shes genderfluid is lore related and i cant say it here because spoilers. AFAB means assigned female at birth, she was born with female genitalia. More explanation will be revealed in the story.

"Why not Gender Neutral Reader?"
I'll be blunt, I struggle writing gender neutral more than males. Gender Neutral is perfect for one shots and short series, this fanfic will be LONG like the og novel. I just struggle writing a genderless reader, because I find it difficult to imagine. When I write, I use imagination, i just struggle with it and it's one of my flaws as a writer.

"Will the MC be a third wheeler or a cockblocker?"
Lol no, this polyamorous relationship is about equal love. It's not like those shitty love triangles where two people fight over one, no, they love each other. You will understand how this poly will work out once you start reading.

"Xie Lian won't like anyone that's not Hua Cheng"
"Hua Cheng won't like anyone that's not Xie Lian"
Hey um can you search what fanfiction is? It's not canon. Fan fiction or fanfiction is fictional writing written in an amateur capacity by fans, unauthorized by, but based on an existing work of fiction. The author uses copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual properties from the original creator as a basis for their writing.

"I don't like this concept, I want a full male reader!"
That's okay, I already stated my reasons. If you're not satisfied, I'm not forcing people to like and read my books. Feel free to leave, ignore and even block me if you're annoyed seeing me in your recommendations.

I WILL NOT TOLERATE HATE COMMENTS. Hate comments can't be avoided, I learned that, but that doesn't mean i tolerate it. If I ever see any hate comment because they're not satisfied with my concept or other reasons. I will block you. I don't waste time on people who don't deserve my attention. Please know the difference between CRITICISM and INSULT. There's a huge line between the two. And I know you're smart to differentiate them.

"Does author take feedback and criticisms?"
Yes :D i take criticisms, it's what I've been doing since my first book in wattpad. Criticisms helped me improve and grow and learn from my mistake. But again, it's different from an actual hate comment. If you want to feedback and leave a criticism, feel free to do so or reach out to me in DM. I might not answer immediately in wattpad DM so you can go to my Instagram (hazelnuttsu). Instagram is where I'm most active and i made friends from my readers on my previous books. Your criticisms and feedback can just be on the comments, although i can't guarantee that I'll be able to read them because my notifications will be swarmed and my schedule irl is kinda busy (I'm a student pls understand)

Heaven's Unholy ✧ Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF) x Genderfluid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now