(Arc 2) Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: The Trial

Sorry if this chapter seems rushed, i have alot of assignments to do.


"Hong'er do you wanna see something cool?"

You asked the little boy in your arms "What does cool mean, jiejie?" Oh you forgot, the plebs lack proper education. Meaning he can't understand the difference between denotative(literal) and associated (figurative)

"Ah well, it's something amazing" The boy nodded his head. You summoned your scythe, but it did not take its original weapon form, but a form of a cute panda.

In the present time, your scythe usually takes the form of a comfy cute teddy bear. Back then, it was the same comfy and cute but a panda.

The panda was big, and it wore a smile. "Whoa" Hong'er's eyes twinkled.

Mu Qing knocked on the door a few minutes ago saying the bathroom is ready, he looked over to the crack of the door to peek at Hong'er who was playing with the panda

"Really, your grace? don't you think that child is suspicious?" Mu Qing raised his eyebrows "Don't worry, i'll help him bathe. You can go now" you shut the door close. You did not help him bathe.

You see, when you wanted to help him bathe. His face grew red in embarrassment and said he doesn't need help, but by psychology the implications of his words meant that he doesn't want you to see him naked. You assured him it was fine because he was a kid but he still said no because once he grows big he will let you see him bare. "How cute" you chuckled at the memory

"One day you want to grow up and be with me huh, Hong'er...?" you mumbled "It's just a puppy crush, children get that alot" you sighed

So the panda decided to help him, and Hong'er allowed that. You heard the door opening and a few footsteps, turning around you say Hong'er fresh from the shower, the panda helping him dry off with the towel.

When Hong'er saw you looking at him with a smile he blushed furiously "Jiejie! I told you i will let you see me like this when i grow older!" You laughed at him

"Oh Hong'er, you can't make promises you can't keep" Your wiped the tears at the side of your eyes, from laughing "But jiejie! I will make it happen! I promise to be with you and gege!" Hong'er pouted

You picked him off from the ground, his hair still wet and he wiggled his short limbs from your hold. You held him up on the air "Haha okay okay~ but it's time for you to go home"

Panda lend you the wet towel and slowly, it turned into a scythe before a blink of an eye, it disappeared. You let Hong'er down and he changed by himself, with you standing outside of course cause of his so called promise.

You teleported to the capital instead of walking out of the palace walls "Well, it's time to say goodbye, Hong'er" You crouched down to meet his height "When can i see you again, jiejie..?"

His robes weren't too lavish, it was just clean simple ordinary robes. Way opposite from his old dirtied robes, it was by your request because Xie Lian was ready to throw extremely expensive robes at Hong'er

"I don't know, i will leave Xianle within a month. Stay healthy, alright?" He nodded and you pat his head. You stood up and waved goodbye at Hong'er who was now walking away, he looked back but only for a second to see you waving with a smile.

"Your grace!"

A soldier's voice spoke behind you, the same worker who was accused of thievery stood beside him "This man was looking for you"

You cleared your throat with a cough "Ahem, yes. Follow me to the palace gongzi" The soldier accompanied you both, the walk on the way was filled with whispering citizens.

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