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The circus🤡

Kai not from Exo : got tea!!!

The cutest one : I'm here!

Niki Minaj : present🤓

Beom to the gyu : me too!

Taehyunie✨: hi!

Won🦊 : me and Jay hyung is here too!

Icy hoon🌨: yep

Yeonlsa❄: Yeonbin's here!


Only Aussie : hi.

Kai not from Exo : OK so everyone is here, let me spill the tea, so what happened was...

Niki Minaj : why you stop?

Kai not from Exo : excuse me, will
be back in a second!

The cutest one : what!?

Binie bunny : dude, Why?

Real Jay Park : I even got pop corn

Taehyunie✨: same here ☹️

Icy hoon🌨: Taehyunie hyung, pls
tell kai hyung to continue, I don't
have enough patience to wait!

Taehyunie✨: he is not here tho

The cutest one : what? If not with
you then is he with beomie hyung?

Beom to the gyu : nope

Yeonlsa❄: not with us either.

Won🦊: uh, Kai hyung, where are
you? You OK?

Only Aussie : kai hyung?

Icy hoon🌨: God what?

Real Jay Park : do anybody knows where he went?

Taehyunie✨: he said that he is
going to the department store!


Taehyunie✨: two hours ago- wait

Yeonlsa❄: What? Shit! And you are saying this now?

Taehyunie✨: hyung, I'm scared

Binie bunny : don't worry, me and
Jun will go look for him

Real Jay Park : I'm also coming!

*10 minutes later*

Kai not from Exo : guys

Yeonlsa❄: God where are you?

Binie bunny : are you OK? Where
are you, are you hurt? What happened?

Kai not from Exo : hyung, hekp

Beom to the gyu : you OK? Tae
just fell asleep after crying a lot

Kai not from Exo : iam being

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