Chapter 9

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Rokiyah POV

Once we arrived back at the tipis, we headed towards a different one adorned with images of galloping horses. I presumed it belonged to her. She opened the flap and gestured for me to enter. Stepping inside, I was greeted by an elderly couple who appeared to be around 70 years old. I respectfully inclined my head in greeting, a gesture I had picked up from observing Asian dramas.

They reciprocated the greeting and extended a warm welcome. She engaged in conversation with her grandparents in a language that eluded my understanding. Suddenly, her grandmother rose and scrutinized me carefully, examining every aspect of my being.

It felt like an eternity until she finally looked up and bestowed a smile upon me. Addressing Makawee, she uttered something that made Makawee glance at me, and smile as well, as she proceeded to retrieve 2 items. Feeling slightly uneasy, I remained still and motionless out of respect.

When Mekawee returned, she presented a dress with flowing sleeves that resembled deer hide. Its touch was remarkably smooth, and tassels adorned the hem and cuffs. The dress also had beautiful beads, making it truly astonishing. Along with it she brought a pair of light brown moccasins that matched the color of the dress.

Although it felt strange to accept the garment and shoes, I was grateful to have something clean to wear, replacing my previously filthy clothes. Expressing my gratitude, I took the clothes and shoes venturing outside to change behind the cover of foliage, leaves, and bushes. Once dressed, I returned to the tipi, where I was met with warmer smiles compared to my initial arrival.

Honestly by their reaction I could tell that I looked good, but oh, how I yearned to see what I looked like. But since there seemed to be no mirrors in sight I would just have to go without knowing.

Looking around again I noticed that Mekawee was no longer in the tipi.Wondering where she had gone but at the same time not willing to venture off anywhere I stayed put in the tipi. Awkwardly glancing around at everything I could inside the tipi. Once she had finally come back I noticed that she had also changed her attire. No longer was she wearing a plain white cotton dress now she was wearing a dress similar to mine but fancier.

It was a rich blue color at the collar that extended all the way to the shoulders. While the rest of the dress was the same color as my dress. And there were black and tan squares that outlined the upper chest and shoulders. Her dress also had tassels that covered the ends of her elbows. There were also little specks of blue splashed towards the bottom ends of the dress that led to even more fringes that hung just above her ankles. And she also wore moccasins.

Her hair that was once hanging was now in two elaborate braids that had a feather and ribbon intertwined into each. Her grandparents had also dressed up while I had changed and once everyone was ready together, we all made our way to see the medicine man.

Silently praying to God for a successful outcome and hoping to avoid any peculiar occurrences, I prepared myself for what lay ahead. The journey to the medicine man's location took some time as we ascended to the top of a hill. However, it provided an opportunity to observe the surroundings and become familiar with the area.

Other people from the tribe joined in tandem as we all ventured to the top. On our way, Weayaya and his apparent friend joined us as well. The sensation of being watched drew my attention, and I noticed Weayaya staring at me intensely, as if he wanted to pounce. I could feel his gaze scrutinizing every aspect of my appearance once again, until our eyes finally met, shocking me as I didn't expect him to look directly at me.

Yet, I couldn't back down. If he continued to gaze at me that way, I would do the same. Slowly, I let my eyes wander, taking in every detail of his attire. He wore a long-sleeved top that covered his lower body and a chest plate crafted from long white beads that extended to his waist. He also sported long pants and shoes similar to those given to me by his sister.

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