Chapter 14

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WARNING! This chapter contains violence and blood scenes.

Also, some of my book chapters are quite long, Sorry for that but I hope they are good to read.


"I'm so sleepy," I say to no one as we eat at the breakfast table. 

 "Did you not sleep well?" Parker asks me and I take a bite from my omelet. I want to answer him 'Yeah, you know yesterday I had to fight against hundred creatures and later rescue some people and torture them.' but of course, I don't say it. "I couldn't sleep. I don't know why." I say with a shrug.

"Do you want me to sleep with you?" Ian asks me and winks in my direction. To my surprise, a growl comes from Blake and I turn to him. "Are you okay?" He seems perplexed and shakes his head. "I'm fine, but don't say this thi-."

Noah stares at something from behind me and bursts out laughing. The guys turn and start laughing too and I'm the only one who doesn't know what's happening. I wrench my body to the door behind me and I start to laugh hysterically. Tristan stands there with only his boxers and nothing else except his shoes. His chest and abs are exposed and I have a desire to touch them. As I laugh, he takes a seat with a smile on his face and says "I'm ready for my day." Hunter looks at him and laughs. His laugh is dark and a shiver runs through me.

"Well, I didn't expect you to do this." I control my giggles and take a bite from my food. My eyes travel to his broad shoulders and downwards. His chest and stomach have some hair and I lower more. I stop to stare at his V which continues down to his underwear. Wow. "Like what you see?" Tristan asks me and I realize that my hand had frozen mid-air, my mouth was open while I was staring at him. I take my bite and feel my whole face burning.

"Is that saliva falling from your mouth?" Blake asks me and points to my mouth. I touch where he points and touch nothing. I glare at him and he laughs. "Shut up." 

 "So, what did Ian shouldn't say?" Tristan asks and drinks his juice. 

 "Monica couldn't sleep last night and he said if she wants him to sleep with him," Luke answers and Tristan smirks. "What? It's not a bad idea and you know you had a boyfriend before so you had slept with him." Ian says and I laugh bitterly.

"He seriously cheated on you?" Hunter asks and to my surprise, I answer. "Well, first of all, we weren't girlfriend and boyfriend. I had a crush on him for years. We hadn't talked to each other and you know he was a charming guy at the school and I was just a smart girl with hoodies and pants. He didn't even know my name and one day he came to me and asked me out. My first reaction was to say no but I thought that it was some chance and I took it." I turn to see the guys listening carefully and I find the courage to continue.

"The first date was at a cafeteria. We didn't do much and I'm not the person who opens up immediately. On the second date, I was more you know excited and confident. We went to play bowling and we had fun, well for me I don't know about him. The dates happened in the same week and on Friday he was acting weird. The school had finished and I had forgot my notebook at my class so I went to get it. When I turned to the corridor, I knew Connor was in the class with the other two females." I take a breath and Logan rubs my back.

"I knew before I saw and heard what was happening inside but instead of leaving or yelling at him, I just stood there hearing them. Then I left and dropped from school. Before we came here, we went to an all-boys school and the girls came because they wanted autographs from him. I think that he gave them." I say sarcastically and shake my head but I don't cry because he's a dead body. "When I didn't answer his calls and he saw that I had dropped out of school I send him an email saying that we didn't match and broke up with him. And no, we didn't have sex and we didn't kiss because I knew somewhere inside me that he wasn't meant to be the one. End of story." I take a sip of my juice.

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