Chapter Twenty Two

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The girls eventually settled down back in Giselle's room after the party. Giselle was holding her baggy shirt and shorts to get changed in comfy home wear while looking at her senior sitting in scissor crossing style on the wooden flooring and her back was facing her while she was busy searching her duffle bag for her clothes.

Giselle wasn't lying about how much she liked her senior in her favorite white thin loosened button-up blouse and a pair of matching jeans. Perhaps alcohol tempted the brunette to do something sweet for her senior since the thin layer of the blouse revealed the faint outline of her body with a nude bra underneath. She was tempted to see and feel another part of her senior's skin beneath the clothing so badly right now.

She reached behind her senior, and dropped her clothes next to her, then sat on her heels before she enveloped her arms around her senior's waist and hooked her chin on her shoulder.

She got a soft chuckle in return from the senior, who put down a pair of shorts to join the shirt she had taken out. Drew held Giselle's arms and turned to claim her adorable pouty lips.

Giselle deepened the kiss while her fingers played with the buttons of the shirt of her senior and said in between their lips, "Do you need help?"

"What do you mean by help?" Drew's tone was teasing yet a little nervous evidenced by her shaky voice.

Giselle smirked against her senior lips and nibbled them before starting to unbutton the shirt and said, "Maybe you would be happier with my help?" She continued to undo the remaining buttons and Drew didn't respond but her tongue was swirling with Giselle's while her hands gently caressed Giselle's forearm and gave in to her help.

The shirt eventually parted, and Giselle slowly but surely pushed away her senior's white blouse while her hands caressed the collar bones and earned a soft hum of satisfaction from her senior. The girls pulled away from each other to get some air while Giselle took off her senior's shirt and trailed her hand from Drew's lower back to the hook of her bra before she unclasped it. She pushed down the strap of the bra leaving Drew's top bare.

"Can I please touch them?" Giselle whispered with her shaky voice before closing her eyes and resting her chin on her senior's bare shoulder again while her hands were holding Drew's ribcage and right beneath the swells of her body that she desperately wished to touch.

Drew entwined Giselle's hands and guided them up to reach her bosom to cup them. She turned to kiss her girl and assured with a voice as nervous as the brunette, "They are all yours..."

Giselle's face was burning but she felt so good to feel the warm flesh that was so tender. She could feel her senior's hardened nubs that were pressing against her palms. She gently fondled them with both of her hands and used her fingers to brush the nipples, making Drew moan breathlessly in return.

Drew sighed comfortably when she felt Giselle's soft tiny hands doing a wonderful job as they massaged her breasts. Her hands loosened but remained covering those tiny hands. She arched her head back whenever Giselle's fingers were playing her sensitive nubs, doing her best not to moan aloud. Giselle kissed from Drew's ear down to the neck and shoulder and she slowly stopped squeezing her senior's soft flesh and murmured with a shy chuckle, "Do you like it?"

"It was heavenly! You make me feel so nice!" Drew admitted and they shared a chuckle.

"Okay, I will help you to put your shirt on," Giselle said, and Drew stretched her arms over her head for Giselle to put the baggy shirt on. "I don't want you to catch a cold," Giselle added before pecking her senior lips.

"That's sweet of you..." Drew trailed off and a smirk played on her lips and said, "I should give you a sweet return in thanks for your help. What do you think?"

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