Chapter 206-207

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Chapter 206: The Winner of this Year in Physics Is Chinese physicist Huo Qu. (1)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

On the third day of the Spring Festival, Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu boarded the plane to Qinghuan’s hometown together with Yu Xin and Zhao Qingyuan.

When he heard his good friend was going back to County Tao, Zhao Qingyuan immediately claimed that he would follow for he was quite idle for the time being.

The relationship between him and Yu Qinghuan was no more than friendship. So Zhao Qingyuan’s agent didn’t give a shit about his artist got so close to Qinghuan. He even felt happy to keep away from that big trouble.

Zhao Qingyuan was obsessed with the canned yellow peaches from County Tao. From their departure, he had begun to pour out words about yellow peaches in Yu Qinghuan’s ear. Yu Xin, who felt bored about his nagging, distanced himself from Zhao Qingyuan.

They bought an early flight and arrived at the airport before dawn. After boarding the plane, Zhao Qingyuan, the verbal diarrhea, swallowed his words, pulled down the shade and released the seat to catch up on sleeping.

County Tao was quite an isolated hamlet. At first, Yu Qinghuan planned to take them to the downtown first after getting off the plane, and then departed from the city center to the village. Surprisingly, Zhao Qingyuan happened to have a friend there, so he made a call and asked his friend to give them a ride.

“He owns a private cafeteria.” Zhao Qingyuan wore a mask and scarf, covering his face tightly. He turned to Yu Qinghuan, “It’s almost noon. We could have a meal in his cafeteria.”

Yu Qinghuan nodded and agreed, “OK.”

His own house had been abandoned for many years, and now, it was not suitable to live in, let alone cook. Moreover, during the New Year vacation, every family had to go to relatives, so it was not good to bother his neighbors.

Yu Qinghuan wanted to set off after the meal in the city, visit the old village chief after sweeping his parents’ tomb, and then go back.

He told Zhao Qingyuan what he thought.

“That’s better. I’ll borrow his car and you can show me the way.”

After the deal was made, they led by Zhao Qingyuan’s friend to the cafeteria.

“You are welcome. Please take a seat. Feel free to order whatever you want. Qingyuan’s friends are mine.” Zhao Qingyuan’s friend wore a smilingly look, taking them to the balcony and said, “I’ll go and get you some fancy things.”

Zhao Qingyuan warned, “Chen Qi, don’t do anything strange again.”

“Don’t worry,” Chen Qi laughed and said to his ear, “Believe me, my friend. I’ll get you some Xiaoba fish.”

Hearing this, Zhao Qingyuan’s eyes immediately lit up.

When Chen Qi left, Yu Xin could not help but ask, “What is Xiaoba fish?”

Zhao Qingyuan rubbed his hands, “Pufferfish.”

Every February to April was the best season to eat pufferfish. A large number of people were willing to take risks in order to taste the legendary delicious flavor.

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