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1. Dropped off with their quirky aunt for the holidays, three siblings discover there is real magic in the world.

2. Sarah always loved climbing trees. But until today, she's had no idea what strange creature lives in her favourite climbing tree.

3. Bedridden, Billy finds the book his grandpa brought him offers more than a temporary escape in the world of stories.

4. When something tragic happens, it's often said we lose a piece of ourselves. How far would you go to find these lost parts of yourself in order to be whole again?

5. "We regret to inform you that you have been engaged. We wish you the best of luck with your new spouse."

6. A young couple, fascinated with [insert time period of your choice here] decide to bring that period to life and to live it as far as modern society permits. Doing so, however, brings with it quite unique consequences.

7. A drug deal gone horribly wrong leads to a youngster being wrongly convicted, and to have to learn very quickly how to survive life in a juvenile prison.

8. To escape her abusive parents, a princess dresses up as male vigilante to protect her kingdom but soon catches feelings for her own 'damsel in distress', who knows nothing of her royal blood and true identity.

9. The anonymous matchmaker at school happens to be aromantic.

10. The new kid is bullied relentlessly until they discover they actually have a quite unique and unexpected talent.

11. We woke up and had breakfast out on the deck; like we did every morning. And long story short, we are no longer welcome in Monaco.

12. "I think we should get another method of picking victims. Spin the bottle seems rude."

13. You're in a waiting room of a clinic that promises to cure writer's block.

14. "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

15. "How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake, and talking to one another in the waking state?" - Plato

16. A freak storm creates a power surge, and you wake up in an unknown world with only a sword, a shield, and a time limit.

17. You matched with your bias on Tinder.

18. You wake up one day to find that you are the only one who remembers your ult group.

19. The one true friend you could trust happens to be a penpal you have been talking to since you were 12 through letters and emails. What happens if you find out that your penpal happens to be part of a famous Kpop group?

20. When characters from animated television shows start appearing in real life and (perhaps unintentionally) wreaking havoc, a team of "experts" is put together and are tasked with combating the threat they pose.

21. Your favourite band invites you backstage after a small, intimate show, whereupon you learn information that could quite possibly change the fate of not only the band in question but the entire scene forever.

22. Five minutes before going on stage for their last concert ever, the leader of your ult group goes missing. 10 years later, they show up at your door lost and confused, and they haven't aged a day.

23. They had never felt the warmth of home as they did when on stage; love radiating from the crowds.

24. Millennia ago, your kind was cursed by an angry goddess. Ever since then, you've all been confined to human bodies while the rest of the world believes dragons are no more.

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