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We start this story off somewhere different, somewhere, that if given the chance will corrupt you to your core. In this corrupt land where right is wrong, a giant woman was stirring a giant cauldron, she took the spoon that she was stirring the cauldron with out and waited for the bubbling green liquid to stop moving. After it stopped it showed a vision of Y/n during his fight with Bizzaro, the woman smiled and said

???- " soon, soon you will meet me and, you WILL become MY champion and chaos will rule HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The cauldron lit up a sickeningly green light and shown on the woman that was stirring it

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???- I'll let you have your adventures but afterwards you will come to me

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???- I'll let you have your adventures but afterwards you will come to me











We cut back to earth inside a bar where Red Hood aka Jenna was trying to get information from the barkeep about a certain someone

The barkeep hands Jenna a glass and said

Barkeep- "listen I dont care if your trying to make your name as a bad guy but to me your just another customer a customer who has not earned the right to ask about regulars like Mr Stirk"

Jenna- " I'm not looking for trouble, just looking to hire the guy"

Y/N- " that would be her"

Flip- "Yeah that's big bad and beautiful"

It was night time and Flip hasn't seen his good friend in awhile

Y/n said as he pointed to Artemis

Artemis nodded and said

Artemis- " Yes that would be me"

The barkeep looks at Artemis with a questioning look before asking

Barkeep- " and who would you be"

Artemis grabs a glass and slams in into one of the many villains around her and yelled out


a bar fight ensues and everyone participated, Flip grabbed a chair and broke it on top of another person. To everyone else it looked like a chair floated up and hit the guy on its own, Y/n took out a few guys before someone yelled out


Artemis looked back to find a brown skilled Egyptian woman with a bow

Artemis- " Akila By the gods how"

Akila- " did you really think death could stop the shimtar"

Suddenly Y/n cracked her over the head with his power fist, Jenna walked up by him and said

Jenna- "alright no one's gonna buy the whole shape shifting Mr Stirk thing"

Flip-" yeah that guy looks creepy, like really creepy man"

Y/n looked over to Artemis and saw her expression, he then asked

Y/N-" he showed you Akila didn't he"

She nodded her head

Jenna-" who's Akila

Artemis then went on to down a shot or two and tell Jenna about Akila, how they trained to become the shimtar, how when Akila disappeared and reappeared, and how she had to put her friend down when she became corrupted by the bow of ra she also reinstated how important it was to find the bow




We cut to a plane in the sky, inside the plane we see Y/n Artemis and Red hood all inside watching a news report about how general Ahead Menely a self appointed dictator for the country of Quarik, men were bombed by him when they tried to flee to a different country

Artemis-" there is no doubt about it the power that we are seeing is the bows power"

Y/N- "well black mask said he sold it to Quarik"

Red Hood-" magic isn't what it used to be, maybe he found a way to use the bow"

Artemis-" then pray to all the gods of all the pantheons that this isn't the case no human can weld the destructive power of the sun if Akila, who trained every day to weld the bow, went mad with power then no moral stands a chance"

Before Artemis could say another word a radio transition from Menely

Menely-" you are in a no fly zone turn around immediately or you will be shot down

Red Hood-" well you see we aren't that good with taking orders so it's gonna be a no"

Y/N-" are you sure that was a good idea"

Red Hood-" oh yeah it's nothing Bizzaro can't handle"

Outside the plane missiles were being shot at the plane, the plane itself was being held up by Bizzaro as he sang and doges the missiles one heading right for him hits him head on. Bizzaro obviously came out unscathed and said

Bizzaro-" hmmm that am rude

He let go from the plane and chased after the jet that fired the missiles.

As the plane free falled Artemis hit the ceiling and ask/yelled

Artemis-" We couldn't have stolen a plane that worked, you just had to make Bizzaro feel useful"

Y/N- " yeah it makes him feel good about himself"

Flip- " plus we are saving a lot on fuel  traveling this way whoaaaaaa"

Flip was flung towards the back of the plane as the fell closer to the ground: Bizzaro noticed that the plane that held his friends was falling he flew back below it and once again got it onto his back and stabilized it.

Then a bright light shone and Bizzaro said

Bizzaro- "it not day it night why is big light"

Everything went black and when Yn woke up he was halfway frozen in ice and no one in site

Y/N-"damnit oh well at least I'm alive, wherever you are Bizzaro thanks

Feedback and suggestions like always and I will see you next chapter

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