Under Realm

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We all sat in class as Wizgiz talked about Blooms presentation on the power of negtative energy. He was about to say something when Piff flew through the window , she flew high and fell asleep and she started to fall. We yelled and yelled, but she wouldn't wake up. Then out of nowhere Aisha runs in and dives to the floor and catches her. We applaud and after class we stayed in the classroom and Faragonda arrived to talk.

"I won't allow it. I simply won't allow it. The Under-realm is dangerous enough, but going to Shadowhaunt is out of the question. I went there for research during my doctorate of Magical Disciplines and I barely made it out." She said sternly

"Hey, remember, we're the girls that went to Sparx. And we faced down that snow abomination." Stella bragged and Faragonda countered with,"The Under-realm is very different. It's far worse than anything you have ever encountered."

"So? It'll be a challenge. We can totally do it Miss F. Just give us a chance." I said as I side hugged her. "I'm sorry, girls. I love confidence in my students, but it doesn't matter how confident you are because most likely your powers won't even work in Shadowhaunt. That's the way it is." she said that disappointed us a bit. Then Musa butt in and said,"With all due respect, no realm is gonna cramp my powers, Miss Faragonda."

"The problem is that it's not up to you at all. The Under-realm acts on its own, and acts in ways that are not only dark, but unpredictable." I couldn't stand this and I yelled, "But we have to go! The pixies need us!" and the girls agreed, and Faragonda said,"Try to understand, Shadowhaunt is so dangerous that even as a magical doctoral student I couldn't go without first passing a survival test that was so hard that most of my classmates failed. You wouldn't want to take that test." Faragonda leaves the classroom, and the others follow.

"Miss Faragonda. Miss Faragonda, wait up!" Bloom says as Faragonda continues to walk, and the others continue to follow.

I stopped in front of her so she couldn't continue to walk,"Miss Faragonda, we want to take the test." She shook her head and said, "We'll find another way to get the pixies back." I can't believe she dosen't believe in us. "Come on! At least let us try." Bloom said, and Flora added on, "Yeah, if we fail the test we'll back off." she smiled.

"It's such a difficult test that more than three quarters of those who take it, fail."Faragonda informed us and Tecna's gave us her statistics ,"A 25% chance of passing is better than no chance at all." And then Faragonda gave us bad news about the test, "There's one more thing you should know about the test, everything in it is real."

"You mean it's like the magical reality chamber?" Flora questioned and Faragonda nodded her head and said,"That's correct. If something hurts you, it will hurt, and you will experience real pain." We all said that we can do it and she finally agreed and said, "Vey well, the test puts you in the Under-realm environment to test your resistance to it. So if you're not able to use your powers, you won't be able to protect yourself at all." She then to follow her so she leads us into the Great Hall.

She then turned to us and said, "You will take the test right here in the Great Hall. Stand there." She then casts a spell, "Realm of good and light erase, let evil darkness fill this place!" The Great Hall starts to change to simulate the Under-realm.*

"Now, try to survive!" Faragonda said Musa, and Flora transform into their fairy forms. Flora tries to use her magic but it disappears. Stella, Aisha, Bloom, and I transform into our fairy forms. We use our magic to attack the monsters. Faragonda reappears, clapping her hands, and the Great Hall reappears. "Astra, Bloom, Stella, Aisha, you passed."

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