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Life is unexpected and that's also the reason it's interesting. One's fate and destiny is written from the day they were born and no one can change it.

Recently the world is rebelling against you. Nothing is going the way you want and your stress level is skyrocketing. You sighed for the nth time today when you got rejected by the company you wanted to work in.

Y/n Sakurai (25 y/o) a simple woman who just graduated college not long ago and is now on the search for job. You did got a job few months ago but left the company when the seniors at work started giving you their part of work for you to complete, every single day. So in simple words you were getting power harrasment.

After leaving the company you applied in other companies but because leaving a company after working for just 3-4 months the other companies didn't really trust you.

You went on your way to a nearby cafe to clear your mind. You drown yourself in thoughts, coming up with ideas for future so that you don't end up unemployed.


You scroll through your phone sipping on your strawberry milk and a plate of strawberry cake on the table when you came into a trending news.

Murders and kidnappings increasing in all over of Tokyo. The conflict of Bonten increasing day by day. Citizens are advised to be cautious and careful.

Our peaceful life is far gone....

You thought and ignore the post you just accountered and put you phone down to enjoy your cake.

Dad will be disappointed at me.

A sigh came out your lips just imagining what would happen when you'll tell him you got rejected again. You love your dad very much and that's the reason you don't want to disappoint him.

Hang in there, me.


You reached home debating whether to go in or not. After strengthening all your resolve you open the gate to your house and at the same time the main door open and out came a man with white hair and a lean man, you can see some earrings oh his ear and a frown on his face. Behind him is a man with black hair, a ciggerate on his lips, and a woman with golden hair and pretty face came out with smiles on their faces.

You just stare at them seeing them for the first time in your life. The unknown woman's eyes widen seeing you as if she saw a treasure but didn't approach you. The three walked passed you and you felt an intense stare at the back of your head. You look back to see that the man with white hair staring at you like he could see through you.

You just shrugged and saw them getting on a black SUV that you noticed just now. You turn towards your house and walk slowly. You open the door and went in. You saw your father on the couch with a serious look on his face.

"I'm home." You whispered and your father just nodded his head.

"Go and fresh up. It's almost dinner time and I have something to discuss with you." You just nod your head and went to your room to get change then to the bathroom.

Your father is a salary man. His incomes are enough for providing foods and for you two to live comfortably. The house is not that big, 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen joined with dining room and the bathroom and toilet in each rooms. After the death of your mother the house became quite and cold. You didn't like the extra space and you felt lonely. It also took a troll on your father leading him to drinking and wasting money on unimportant things. Which also lead to fights between you and your father. But that was all when you were in high school.

Now your father is stable again and is taking care of you like a glass. He's getting old so you want to get a job as soon as possible to take care of him so that he can finally rest and relax.

You got out the bathroom with your casual clothes on which is an oversized t-shirt and jogger. After drying your hair and clipping it securely you went to kitchen to prepare dinner.

As you were preparing dinner you thought back to the white haired man and the two other person with him that you met outside your house. You were curious about the three as to why they came but prying into someone's business is not your thing.

If it is important then Dad will surely tell me.

"Dad dinner's ready!" You raise your voice so he could hear you from the living room. You arrange the table and made a plate for your father then for yourself and ate your dinner in silence.

It was awkward, for you atleast, as your father was eating as if he was going on a war tomorrow. You ate slowly wishing the awkward atmosphere to disappear which didn't till dinner was over.


"What did you wanted to talk about?" You asked your father sitting down on the available couch.

"You met two men and a woman outside our home." It was a statement and for some reason a shiver ran down your spine and your stomach was flipping. You nodded your head for him to continue.

"They are the Sanos'." Your eyes widened at the name. You have heard that name, not just you but every human being in Japan must have heard that surname atleast once in their life.

Who wouldn't know the last name of Japan's most famous and successful corporation?!

Atleast not you.

"Why did they came here for?" You asked hesitantly as you bit your bottom lip.

"They came here Princess."

When you heard that you just wanted to get swallowed by the earth.

Why me? I haven't even met them in my life except today. What the hell?

You couldn't get a hold of your thoughts and think of a memory if you have done anything to gain their attention.

"Why me?" You asked pointing at yourself with a dumbfounded look on your face. Your father sigh and he seems to be in stress as sweats were rolling down his forehead.

"They want you to marry their brother. Sano Manjirou."

What the actual fuck?

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